Cobra La Tentacles and other mistaken accesories
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Author:  alleyviperelite [ Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Cobra La Tentacles and other mistaken accesories

When I was a kid, I got exposed to the Cobra La toys before I saw the movie. I don't remember what was in the trade but me and my brothers got them from my spoiled cousin who I'm sure just got one of his parents to buy him another set. I always gave the bat wings to the Royal Guard since the grays matched, the tentacles to Golobulus since the green matched his arm and Nemesis Enforcer was BA enough with those elbow spikes. Even after watching the movie, I always kept the tentacles on Golobulus and even now my custom is sporting the Nemesis Immortal set.

Are they a personal accessory or maybe intended to be weapon instead to latch onto an unsuspecting enemy's back?

I'm planning an updated custom and I'm intend on including the tentacles so it won't change my plans, just curious how others used them.

Unrelated, but when I was working on a Crystal Ball custom, the hypnoshield was a must have. I used a Fortnite umbrella to replicate it, but while looking at card art images, I began to wonder if the shield was supposed to be the effects of a mystical ring. Still made the shield for my custom though.

Also, Fridge's football stick. I actually found it in the seat of a used car my dad was test driving. To this day I still don't have a Fridge figure but I still have that football stick.
But according to the card art, its a football on chain. A football flail I suppose.

Author:  harlie [ Wed Sep 07, 2022 3:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cobra La Tentacles and other mistaken accesories

I used the tentacles like they were the tentacle pods Pyhtona used in the movie

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