Fraggle Rock figures from BFS
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Author:  sgcaper [ Fri Jan 06, 2023 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Fraggle Rock figures from BFS

Just got an email that preorders for Fraggle Rock figures have opened.

Was I the only one that didn't know these were coming?

I LOVED Fraggles as a kid. The figures look awesome. But the price tag for each is oomph.

Author:  alleyviperelite [ Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fraggle Rock figures from BFS

sgcaper wrote:
The figures look awesome. But the price tag for each is oomph.

That was my feeling on the Popeye figures and really all of their licensed stuff. I talked myself into the Zorro and Tornado set at Joefest a few years back but even that stung. I understand trying to build the company and expand the product line. I wish them success but I can't financially afford to be part of it.

Author:  DanOfTheDead [ Sat Jan 07, 2023 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fraggle Rock figures from BFS

I collect a lot of Henson figures (palisades and diamond muppets, the star wars muppets, the handful of labyrinth figures that've come out, reaction Dark Crystal) but I just never got into Fraggle Rock enough to justify the price tag. If they were half as much, the "completionist" in me might want them for ny Henson shelves, but yeah, at $40 a pop I can only see collectors with Fraggle Rock face tattoos going for these.

Happy they're out there for whoever needs them that bad, hope it works out for Boss Fight, but an easy pass at that price for me.

They look pretty good though.

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