Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers (now with PICS!!!)
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Author:  Patrick A. Riley [ Sun Feb 10, 2008 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers (now with PICS!!!)

I have 20 W.O.R.M.S. and over 20 Motor Vipers. I know they don't technically need a weapon since they do have sidearms molded in their holsters and they are also vehicle drivers, but what kind of weapon(s) would you suggest for each of them? I don't know guns at all, so I don't know what would be appropriate for these guys.

Please choose from Marauder's fine selection of guns

Thanks! :-D

Author:  nova [ Sun Feb 10, 2008 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

For Worms...I'd go with Either the Luger or the 357 Magnum I prefer the Luger simply because it's a German weapon and Worm figures look rather least they do to me.

Moto Vipers look pretty futuristic so I'd actualy go a little darring with their weapon...I'm a fan of the XM 8 , the HK G36C, or the "mini AK" just to keep it Cobra.

Author:  ogre_h [ Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

I like compact weapons for my vehicle drivers. So you may also consider the P-90. It was originally designed with drivers and other rear-echelon troops in mind. They didn't need a full rifle, but they needed something more than a pistol.

Author:  DarkJedi [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

I always pictured the WORMs as a rear unit type of soldier. They are artillery, so if they are doing their jobs right they don't have to worry about defending themselves from ground forces (that's what a Viper Security Team is for)

I'd maybe give them a Steyr 9mm SPP (special purpose pistol). Every description I've ever read states they are midway between a pistol and SMG.

If Cobra decided to just go for a SMG they could go with the Steyr 9mm TMP (tactical machine pistol).

Both of these are somewhat next-gen in appearance and would look good with the WORMs.

I'd maybe go with just a FN 5.7mm P-90 if Cobra deemed they only needed a self-defense weapon.

As for something with a little more distance I'd go with the newest version of the AK-47 (seeing how it's probably the most common weapon mass-produced and ammo is available in third world countries) or go with a Galil rifle.

Still they go just go with the Steyr AUG 5.56mm.

As for the Motor-Vipers the first thing that comes to mind is the Beretta Model 12 9mm. Then maybe a Spectre M-4 9mm. Third option is a Czech Sa58/98 Bulldog 9mm SMG.

For a long range weapon that could be stowed the majority of the time I'd suggest a AK-103 in 7.62mm.

Author:  viperlord [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

Gotta go with Nova on the Luger for the WORMS. It's more of a ceremonial weapon that goes with their ceremonial uniforms. And they're rear eschelon troops, they don't need heavy weaponry.

As for the Motor Vipers, they're right in the thick of it driving a lightly armored vehicle with little or no protection. Chances are pretty good they're going to get blown up at some point and hoof it back behind the lines. They NEED something to keep the heat off while they do.

I say go with the AK-74 not HUGE, but plenty of punch and even a grenade launcher to distract the enemy.

Author:  Mkodadek [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

It's becoming more and more common for soldiers to have PDW's, personal defense weapons, this does include sidearms but can also include carbines and submachine guns.

The Worms?
So? I agree on the TMP not the SPP though; too bulky and it's single shot, not a good trade off when you're trying the throw a lot of led downrange on the target...but I don't recall anyone making one so I'd suggest the P-90 or the awesome Marauder Inc AKSU; that nice little stubby AK with the foregrip. 5.56 x39 Russian, fast firing and hailed even by American units as an awesome submachine gun. If anyone MAKES a TMP I would dearly love to know. Though to be correct it is now the B+T MP since Brugger and Thomet of Switzerland own the patent and produce said firearm when Steyr-Mannlicher failed to generate the high sales they desired. It was actually a good thing for the firearm since B&T have added accessory rails and a number of interesting features making a more versatile and interesting weapon.

As for the Moto-Vipers? Cobra isn't going to parcel the best of the line out to vehicle drivers so maybe the Mac-10 or Uzi. Once again Jedi brings up some awesome suggestions but does anyone make said weapons in Joe Scale? Maybe Marauder's little street sweeper shotgun, or if you want something a little more hi-tech the H&K MP7 would be great...if anyone once again makes that in Joe scale. The Scorpion VZ 61 is a great choice and it's a weapon that I think most collectors have a ton of (I know I do)

Author:  Marauder_John [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

Great topic!

Worms: Agree with the AKs-74U. Compact & powerful. Won't take up much space stored inside the vehicle and if the Worm does get into action his weapon will have some bite. Also, a Luger would be a great addition for his leg holster (given the figure has the dressed up uniform look).

Motor Vipers: Either an AK-74 with Grenade launcher or the G36c "commando" Assault rifle. Since the MVs are more likely to get directly involved in battle, these weapons would provide the firepower needed. Prefer Soviet weapons with Cobra troops, but the HK works well, too. Also, what I've done with my "display" driver's weapons is "cut" the folding stocks along the hinge and "glue" the stock into the folded closed position. Makes the weapons even more compact for vehicle stowage and adds a very cool look to the weapon. A Motor Viper sporting an AK74 w/grenade launcher or a G36c with the stocks folded, makes them look like they just jumped off the vehicle for some action or are about to stow their weapon to man the vehicle....very cool! ;-)


Author:  scope uk [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

Hey John i really like the idea of folding the stock i will have to give that a go!

for me the WORMs work in the Rear so just need a Personal defence weapon so i use the P-90 at the moment.

For the Motorvipers in the stun i think they can use a larger weapon so give them the H&K UMP

a couple also carry the modified sterling and sawd off shotguns as back ups

Author:  narceron [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

This tmp?

Looks sweet.

I'd say go for one of those weird techno guns for the moto, something small, maybe the pulse gun from MJ< I use that for my female troops.

For worms, why not get a 44 or a long barreled pistol of some kind, some real artillery, :)

Author:  Patrick A. Riley [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

At this rate, I'm gonna have to get a little bit of everything 8-O Hope more of my stuff sells on eBay :shifty:

I'd like to mix and match like I did with my 100 Imperial Guards. 25 each of 4 different guns.
I already have 25 mini AK-47s and I have 25 Lugers for the Imperial Guard, so I'd want something different than Lugers for WORMS

Just wish some of the value sets of 12 were also available in sets of 6 and vice versa ;-)

Author:  roguetiger [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

Patrick A. Riley wrote:
Just wish some of the value sets of 12 were also available in sets of 6 and vice versa ;-)

MJ will let you do a 6 of one gun and 6 of another gun if they are the same price for the 12 pks. I've ordered a 4/4/4 of the AK's for $9.99 when I first did a order with him. So I see no reason you couldn't do that. if the 2 sets of guns are both $9.99 and you wanted 6 of each I'd bet he'd agree to let you do the 6 and 6 for the $9.99. Just have to make sure they are the same price for the amount of stuff etc. MJ's great about working out deals like that. :-D

Author:  Patrick A. Riley [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

Thanks for the info!

I kinda figured he do something like that. He's always been good to me.
I just don't want it to get too confusing :confused:


Author:  roguetiger [ Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

Patrick A. Riley wrote:
roguetiger wrote:
Patrick A. Riley wrote:
Just wish some of the value sets of 12 were also available in sets of 6 and vice versa ;-)

MJ will let you do a 6 of one gun and 6 of another gun if they are the same price for the 12 pks. I've ordered a 4/4/4 of the AK's for $9.99 when I first did a order with him. So I see no reason you couldn't do that. if the 2 sets of guns are both $9.99 and you wanted 6 of each I'd bet he'd agree to let you do the 6 and 6 for the $9.99. Just have to make sure they are the same price for the amount of stuff etc. MJ's great about working out deals like that. :-D

Thanks for the info!

I kinda figured he do something like that. He's always been good to me.
I just don't want it to get too confusing :confused:

oops meant to be sent in PM. :shifty: :whistling:

Author:  Patrick A. Riley [ Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

I have made my choices. Thanks for all of your suggestions! I never would have even considered most of these :-D

Author:  roguetiger [ Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arm my WORMS and Motor Vipers

Since MJ said it was ok I'll say what I basically said to Patrick in the PM. Patrick said he didn't want a dozen of one rifle and a dozen of another. MJ lets us "customize" the order how we want. All he cares about is if the choices for the rifles or guns all are from the same price point...for example, when I ordered some AK's from Wave 1 I asked for 4 wood grain, 4 folding stock, anf 4 mini AK's for the $9.99 price. Think I did another order when Wave 2 came out of 4 wood grain, 4 folding stock, and 4 AK w/grenade launcher for the $9.99 price. A few order for next month I'm thinking of doing 6 NVR and 6 NCM for $9.99. But you get my meaning on the choices. :-)

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