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 Post subject: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:58 pm 
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for me accessories always bothered me.
people love all the stuff that comes with joes, well not me.
i cant stand when a figure comes with more than it can actually carry.
now i end up with a bag full of weapons and stuff i cant remember who it belongs to.
after all my series 1 joes losing there thumbs as a child i have spent all these years the last 2 decades posing my joe figures without there weapons because im still paranoid about broken thumbs.but with the recent release of the 25th line ive started posing them with there stuff again.and was highly annoyed upon realising that my shipwreck came with 1 more gun than he can carry,hes probably not the only 1 but i havent opened most of them yet.
and ive always specifically been annoyed by rippers gear.

also the o ring.
i loved joes since they came out but i have always hated o ring design.
i much prefered the less poseable solid body star wars figures as a child.

youll meet the gunfighters, like newwavepop who listened to Duran Duran and once shot a man just for snoring too loud.

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:38 pm 
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-I preferred the o-ring to every design that came out prior to the 25th anniversary figures. I know some people will call for my bloody, horrible death for this, but I never want to see o-rings return.

-The Original 13: The characters are fine, but I don't really need 13 under-detailed, scrawny figures, most of which look almost exactly the same.

-The Mobat: Okay, I know it was the best tank toy of it's time, but now it's just an undersized motorized brick that holds one figure...poorly.

-Convention figures, premiums, exclusives, and to a lesser extent, mail-aways: What the hell is wrong with just selling the figures in stores?

This is fine.

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:47 pm 
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I don't understand the hard on people get for the original 13. sure they came first and all, but imo there were alot more colorful/cooler characters from 84-85. I also always prefer the original 13 in the costumes they came with in their 2nd release (if the ever received one).

Cobra.. I like Cobra, they have cool uniforms and characters, but sometimes I wonder if people realize the line is GI Joe. I like the Joe's alot more.

that's about i i suppose, i can't think of anything else I don't like that other people do. If I did, I'm in the wrong hobby.

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:02 pm 
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Billy. I friggin hate Billy and I'd love nothing more than him never getting a figure. I can't really explain it, I just hate him, and I always have.

And the Eel and Snow Serpent v2s. Those figures both look "LASER BLAST" and a lot of people really dig them and I don't understand why.

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"Lance Sputnik you are both insane and brilliant!" (meandnooneelse)
"I want a Lance Sputnik range of figures." (Kambei)
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:lacespudneck: :mindbender:

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:16 pm 
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Mr. Patience

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When I first heard they were going to be releasing a new-- new sculpt of Joe my heart leaped for joy. I thought finally hasbro will take all the successes and failures over the course of GI JOE ( 12 inch and 3 3/4 ) and produce the perfect figure.
I pictured the figures with articulation simular to the large wrestling figures. I prayed to the toy gods to let them get it right. OH WELL. I completely dislike the 25th line, the scrawniness, chest articulation, lack of waist articulation, no O ring and generally too much articulation. Call me a purest, but a little tweak to the ARAH line such as better head and hand sculpts, extra knee joint and swivel wrists would have made IMO the perfect toy. The 25ths are already showing major flaws. the reuse of molds the to short arms and to long legs, and really puny heads on some figures. I mean come on, a head in a helmet should be bigger than a normal sized head not smaller.
Don't even get me started on the soft plastic they're using to make the things out of. I don't think you'll be able to get the same amount of play years out of these as you have the ARAH.

I will say this the web gear is the only part of the toy line that I truly like.

Yes I can hear you now shouting me down from my ARAH mountain top, but until they make the 25ths bulkier to match the hundreds of ARAH and the few good new sculpt figures I have I'm not going to be satisfied.

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:35 pm 
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HATES Mattel

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I straight-up hate Duke. He's like every perfect-teeth, clear-skin, Country-Club-belonging-to, uptight smarmy asswipe I've ever met or known. He's like Neidermeyer from Animal House, and I wish one of the Joes would shoot him in the back as well. I'm sure Rock-n-Roll would be the guy to do it, too.

And I don't really care for the MOBAT or SkyStriker either. They're both just too big with too low a figure-interactivity quotient to be interesting. They're like the Millenium Falcon if only the cockpit opened to seat Han and Chewie and everything else were closed up solid.


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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:37 pm 
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HATES Mattel

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Oh, and the HISS I is a hunk of overly-nostalgiac crap compared to the II or DTC V. It's just a tired-out mold that needs to be retired in favor of versions that are superior in sculpting detail and play value.


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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:47 pm 
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I'm not digging the new figures either. Didn't like Sigma 6 or New Sculpt stuff either. RogueTiger told me in chat the other day that Hasbro said this is it, this is the way Joes will be made from now on. But I dunno, I just can't believe them. I think they said that about Sigma 6 and New Sculpt stuff as well. I think whenever they get new people running the show, then we see a change. I see ARAH coming back again someday, somehow.

Okay sorry went off on a tangent there.

I echo what Lance said about Billy. GAHHHH I HATE HIM!!!!! But I shall go him one better....I HATE ALL GI JOE/COBRA NINJAS!!!!!!!

Geezus what is so danged appealing about a bunch of guys going up against soldiers with guns? But time and time again Hasbro releases em, comics are made about em and the loyal fans buy them!!!

I am sorry, I don't care how WHOOOOO mysterious and ninjified a guy is, how much of a martial arts master he is.....If a guy with a gun gets the drop on him, he's going down!!!!! No dodging bullets, the bullet would be hitting flesh before he could think about moving out of the way!!! And with all the high tech night vision and amplified hearing devices they have now...I doubt they can sneak up on anyone anymore either.


Okay so yeah um... I hate other stuff too.

Serpentor. His existence stretches the credibility farther than even the Hasbro ninjas do. He sucks in my Joeverse and isn't even a major player in the Cobra hierarchy.

Destro. yeah I hate him. Smug eurotrash with a chrome helmet. Used to like him but now nahhh can't stand him. Pimp Daddy? Pftttt Crystall Ball is more of a pimp than Destro will ever be.

Okay that's enough hatred for one day.


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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:10 pm 
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I second that. Why are there ninjas in a military universe?

Also, do people actually like Heavy Duty and Spirit? Why does Hasbro keep bringing them back? Roadblock is way better than Heavy Duty. Airborne is Native American, but not stereotypical and annoying.

Not a good commando name!!

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:18 pm 
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Snake Staked

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1) I have to agree with all the extra accessories, especially the stupid Parts tree from 92- on. I mean, six guns, two knives? and what was with the lime green color?

2) and yes, I dislike the 25th designs, especially the constant re-use of parts.


4) The ninjas did get tedious after awhile...

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:23 pm 
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I was never a big fan of ninjas, especially late in the line when everyone was a ninja. It was fine when Storm Shadow was the only one.

I also never really went for all the millions of various Viper designations. I'm an Original 13 guy (have all of them with straight arms) and I was fine with basic troops and officers. I will admit, I am okay with the specialty troops from 85 (CG, Televiper, Eels. Snow Serpent, Viper) but after that it got crazy.

I love the o-ring design, I just wish as a 9 year old in 83, I knew it could be fixed with a 10 cent plumber's o-ring. I have a Mickey Mouse CC with a superglued torso/crotch cause I couldn't figure out a way to replace the o-ring.

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:34 pm 
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The cartoon.

Okay, not entirely. It's complicated. But when the regular daily series started, the stories downscaled significantly from the epic, world-threatening heights of the first two miniseries. In seeking stories suitable for the format, they had the Joes fighting @^^!@'s like Anubian Gods and the Toymaster. I was of two minds about it even back then. I would record every episode (and even felt my heart sink the first day a repeat came on, since i knew that meant the end of new eps that season), but would cringe when my Grandfather visited and saw i was recording a kid's cartoon. It just wasn't the same to see the Joes go from saving the world to saving Barbecue's apartment.

Which brings me to my next cartoon-themed rant: the 4th series characters. From their first appearance in the centerfold of GI Joe Magazine (sans code names) to the "retiring" of the first series characters in issue 33, i really resented these guys. Mainly because it seemed that they were replacing the original characters. Here we had this absolutely [LASER BLAST]' toyline and comic, and when it went into mega-saturation via the daily cartoon, the familiar characters that made it what it was were almost nowhere to be seen (barring episodes like Worlds Without End, which seemed designed to perform the same function as issue 33). To top it off, some of them even duplicated specialties already ably filled by somebody else.

To have the original guys disappear from the shelves was the ultimate in depression for me, since those swivel armed versions i'd been putting off buying for a couple of years were now nowhere to be found. The new guys on the shelves lacked uniformity and mostly didn't look military enough.

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:44 pm 
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Sgt. Slaughter. I've always felt his incorporation into the line took far more away from the overall GI Joe concept than it added.

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:16 pm 
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Code Name: Speed Bump

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Gotta echo the loathing of the Original 13. They're scrawny, boring figures with hardly any details & pretty much all have the same sculpt. People complain about repaints, we got repaints from day one.

Hate ninjas. You're a ninja? You're dead to me. Everybody's a friggin' ninja & can perform super-mystic-mumbo-jumbo. What do they do, hand ninja certificates out in Cracker Jack boxes? Do they still make Cracker Jack? :drool: Storm Shadow is the exception to the rule. He's the only acceptable ninja & there should be no others.

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 Post subject: Re: things youve always disliked about joes that others love
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:24 pm 
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Hi, beav. Playing cards?
Hi, beav. Playing cards?

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Firebert wrote:
I second that. Why are there ninjas in a military universe?

Also, do people actually like Heavy Duty and Spirit? Why does Hasbro keep bringing them back? Roadblock is way better than Heavy Duty. Airborne is Native American, but not stereotypical and annoying.

Completely off topic, but you might be interested to know about this: :firebert:



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