1984 Spirit - Profiled!
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Author:  Mike T. [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  1984 Spirit - Profiled!

Finally got some hosting issues worked out and updated with a new profile of a figure that's actually really hard to find in truely mint condition: the 1984 Spirit:


Author:  pluv [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1984 Spirit - Profiled!

I don't disagree that a 100% Spirit is hard to come by. In addition to the paint wear you mention he also has some serious plastic quality issues. I've probably come across more broken crotches, broken thumbs, and cracked elbows on Spirit figures then any other figure in the line. Sure there are figures (usually the notorious gold plastic figures) that have a larger percentage of broken figures out there, but in terms of sheer numbers Spirit takes the prize. Add in the fragile feet of Freedom and finding a minty mint Spirit becomes a very daunting task.

What I don't agree with is that he will continue to rise in value. Personally I see the RAH fanbase shrinking as Hasbro continues with their 25th style figures, which happens to include a nicely done homeage to this very version of Spirit. As RAH transitions into the collector only arena, much like the 12" fans have done, there will be those collectors trying to obtain the perfect collection. However I also see a lot of former RAH collectors dumping the dated and brittle versions of these figures for their modern counterpart or at the very least not putting forth the effort or financial resources to make an upgrade. I think the two will counter balance each other enough that if anything the value will stay put for a long while. A more likely scenario though is that we'll see a drop as fewer collectors compete for the ultimate speciman.

Author:  zedhatch [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1984 Spirit - Profiled!

Actually one of my favorite character due to the fact he is so distict from everyone else. Great job Mike.

Author:  MobileBattleBunker [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1984 Spirit - Profiled!

I loved Spirit from teh first time I saw him go toe to toe with Storm Shadow in teh cartoon. I used teh air commando spirit as my default with a rock fighters hawk as my freedom for quite some time. Now I own the dtc one and it is great!

Great reveiw it is true teh fan boys love him!

Author:  bearcatcc [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1984 Spirit - Profiled!

The 1984 Spirit was the very first GI Joe toy I ever owned, given to me on a cold Christmas Eve by my now-late great grandmother.

Thank you for this review.


Author:  Patrick A. Riley [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1984 Spirit - Profiled!

I only learned about his gold wristbands several years ago. Probably one you do need to get MOC

Author:  Bandalero [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1984 Spirit - Profiled!

Another great review of an iconic character in Joe mythos!

And I agree, as a toy, Spirit figures are as brittle as they come - even his pet eagle Freedom suffers from brittle plastic. Right now my Freedom's back half of his talons is barely hanging on by the stress marks in the plastic. One more accidental drop and Freedom's talons are gone :(

Finding a mint Spirit is definitely a challenge. I think what makes this figure so successful is not only his unique look when compared to his other joes, but also his accessories. Freedom, his gun, backpack, and tribal loin cloth add so much value to the figure. Even down to his hair sculpt and the sterotypical pig tails.

I'm definitely looking forward to the 25A Spirit even though I personally thing the face sculpt is off. His accessories (rounds of darts especially) and his amazing cardart is what's winning me over.

I tend to view the trend going in much the way that pluv has described although I dont see people necessarily dumping their ARAH figures in favour for 25A. I think most collectors are just going to keep their ARAH untouched and on display while they enjoy the updated looks of what 25A offers.

I think we're probably looking at the next major evolution of the G.I. Joe toyline if Hasbro continues their investment into the product. For all intents and purposes you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who thinks '82 Torpedo is better than 25A Torpedo for example. Spirit's no different and I'm glad he's being released in 2008. I'd even go out on a limb and say that 2008 is the next big golden year along the lines of what 1985 was to most of us - iconic characters, amazing figures, inspiring both kids and adults.

Author:  _Flashback_ [ Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1984 Spirit - Profiled!

I have to chime and and say that I've never really been a big Spirit fan. I can see why he has his fans but the chole cliche element throws me off. I still think that had he been released after 1987, he'd be a laughing stock today.

Author:  Cap [ Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 1984 Spirit - Profiled!

Spirit was the only reason I got into RAH Gijoe to begin with. Back then, I was very much the advocate for the powwow circuit, Native rights, and very much the Akwesasne Notes reader. When the little Joes came along, I was amused since the only Gijoe I knew were the large ones. When I saw Spirit, and saw how they gave him plenty of cartoon face, I was sold. Stereotypes be darned, his portrayal made up for ridiculous Peter Pan ones.

Also, back in the late seventies, me and a few of my fellow City Skins dressed that way back at Art & Design. Boots, fringe, and apron. So to me, the only thing that seemed a stretch was the eagle.

Finding one mint? Odd. Seems the only one's I have ever found were mint. Even down to the gold wristlets.

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