Zartan/Storm Shadow comic question
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Author:  chrysophylax [ Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Zartan/Storm Shadow comic question

I just got my Battle Damaged Snake Eyes vs Zartan (I know it says Storm Shadow, but we all know it's really supposed to be Zartan) comic pack, as well as the rest of the wave 3 comic packs the other day and the Zartan figure brought a question to mind:

Did Storm Shadow ever find out that it was Zartan who killed his uncle? If so, how did he find out?

- JM

Author:  General Hawk [ Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zartan/Storm Shadow comic question

Yes, he did.

The Soft Master discovered the records in the Springfield Police Department after he infiltrated it, then passed the message along to Snake Eyes.

Snake Eyes tracked down Storm Shadow and delivered the message, after which the both of them launched an assault on COBRA Island that was one of the defining moments of the series to that point.

I think that whole turn of events, plus the ensuing battles afterwards were really great moments in the Joe comic history...


Author:  zedhatch [ Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zartan/Storm Shadow comic question

You also left out that Zartan and Ripcord had changed places (after they had battled leaving Ripcord out cold and Zartan wounded), Stormy went to kill Ripcord (As Zartan) in a firebat but was stopped by Snake Eyes cause the firebat launched (Rip was out and the firebat was set to auto launch). Stormy remarked "I would have got him but I would have died."

Zartan (as Ripcord) was taken to Joe HQ (I think it was Doc who noticed his wounds were not matching the cloths tears ect.

Seriously one of the better storylines of the comic IMO.

Author:  General Hawk [ Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zartan/Storm Shadow comic question

zedhatch wrote:
You also left out that Zartan and Ripcord had changed places (after they had battled leaving Ripcord out cold and Zartan wounded), Stormy went to kill Ripcord (As Zartan) in a firebat but was stopped by Snake Eyes cause the firebat launched (Rip was out and the firebat was set to auto launch). Stormy remarked "I would have got him but I would have died."

Zartan (as Ripcord) was taken to Joe HQ (I think it was Doc who noticed his wounds were not matching the cloths tears ect.

Seriously one of the better storylines of the comic IMO.

Well, yeah, that's part of what I was referring to when I said "the ensuing battles afterwards" (even though that sort of happens simultaneously with the ninja attack)...I love that Ripcord/Zartan conflict, and Storm Shadow's "death" at the hands of the Baroness was one of the most impactful moments in comic book history to me at the time.

All of this leading up to the creation of Serpentor and the Battle of Springfield, eventually culminating in the COBRA Civil War almost two years later. Such fantastic story telling.


Author:  zedhatch [ Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zartan/Storm Shadow comic question

Well, yeah, that's part of what I was referring to when I said "the ensuing battles afterwards" (even though that sort of happens simultaneously with the ninja attack)...

Ah ok, to me it was still part of the storyline, in fact I considered it the climax of the whole "Hard master's killer" arc (which ends, to me, with stormy's death)

But it does continue on to springfeild and Cobra Civil war which is what I thought you ment by "the ensuing battles afterwards"

Sides its such a good story I felt it needed to be explained more :wink:

Author:  Gaigaan-Dnok [ Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zartan/Storm Shadow comic question

zedhatch wrote:
You also left out that Zartan and Ripcord had changed places (after they had battled leaving Ripcord out cold and Zartan wounded), Stormy went to kill Ripcord (As Zartan) in a firebat but was stopped by Snake Eyes cause the firebat launched (Rip was out and the firebat was set to auto launch). Stormy remarked "I would have got him but I would have died."

Zartan (as Ripcord) was taken to Joe HQ (I think it was Doc who noticed his wounds were not matching the cloths tears ect.

Seriously one of the better storylines of the comic IMO.

And you had left out that it was Prof. Appel who recognized Ripcord as his daughter's boyfriend, and put him in the Firebat so that he could stay alive to find his daughter, who was missing. And that Storm Shadow would've killed Ripcord, except Prof. Appel jumped in front of him, taking the blow and sacrificing himself to save Ripcord. Snake Eyes knocked Storm Shadow aside on his second attempt to kill "Zartan"(Ripcord).

Candy, Prof. Appel's daughter, was of course already dead, at the hands of Scrap Iron, from the same explosion that took Billy's eye and leg.

This all made the invasion of Springfield possible, because it was Ripcord, disguised as Zartan, who called the Joes and gave them the location of Springfield.

Good stuff indeed!

Author:  zedhatch [ Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zartan/Storm Shadow comic question

Well I didn't want to spoil everythng :wink:

Author:  Lance Sputnik [ Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zartan/Storm Shadow comic question

Man, now I want to go re-read those issues... :D

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