Holy crud could the distro problems be ceasing.
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Author:  zedhatch [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Holy crud could the distro problems be ceasing.

So today I had to go to my mom's to help her with some stuff, on the way I had to pick up somethings at Wally mart. As I always do I went to the toys figureing I would just sigh and move on, and low and behold there was a Torpedo on the rack (mixed in with the collectors sets repacks). Which means that there was a shipment of new stuff. My buddy who works there was off yesterday (which I why he didn't tell me) but its the first hopefull sign I have seen since this distribution carp started.

Now if they would just get in the stuff I missed :shifty:

Author:  Caravankidd [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Holy crud could the distro problems be ceasing.

Things stilll seem to be selling quickly but thank goodness they have started getting shipments places that are larger than just one box. Still having to buy stuff whenever I see if I want it and I've still got some things I can't find, but at least it's starting to feel less like be there on the day it hits the shelf or else.

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