Zed's Definitive Joes Name Change?
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Author:  zedhatch [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Zed's Definitive Joes Name Change?

When I started this project my intention was to reflect on the figures I owned as a child and how they reflect on my adulthood. How memories of stores, trips, and even family are ingrained into my aquireing GI Joe figures. How these figures have given me insiration for customs and new characters making my own "Joeverse." How each new redition of a figure made me rethink a character or why I might have avoided certain reditions. Also to point out what my favorite reditions of each individual figure have been thus far.

However what has happened is alot of people are distracted by the name I literally picked out of the air. When I said "definitive" I ment definitve for me, but a large group of people have misread that to mean something else and while they have enjoyed the walks down memory lane, they also have pointed out (in a rough quote cause I deleted the e-mail) "How dare you say you and only you can call the definitve version of Joes." Which was never my intent. I honestly thought that saying "Zed's" in front of "definitive" gave it ownership to me, thus making it my "Definitve" Joes.

Since the feedback to the name (and name only) has been so negitive I have been struggling with a new name, but I can't think of anything that makes the point solidly. If you can think of anything else add it to the thread since these are the options I have thought up so far.

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