Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?
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Author:  Bandalero [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?

Not sure what the reason was for not getting her in the wave 4 filler wave of the single-carded 5-pack figures, and I haven't seen or heard mention of her beyond that fugly upcoming comic version.

Anyone has an update on when we can expect to see Baroness in her glorious v1 card artwork?

Author:  dasaffe [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?

I wouldn't hold my breath, Bandy.

I think it's unlikely that Baroness will be released carded in V1 garb. The one coming out soon will be on the shelves for a few months, and we only have 2-3 unrevealed waves coming up this year. With the lack of space in the lineup I just don't see how Hasbro could squeeze Baroness into that schedule.

Author:  Bandalero [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?

that's sad news - was there any reason why they left her out? Didn't have access to the original artwork? Just a little strange since she'll also be featured in the upcoming motion picture. For every Teela there's an Evil-Lyn, likewise for every Scarlett there's a Baroness :-|

Author:  PaidLoad [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?

i could see it being a club or con exclusive. but even then, they'd need to do something "extra" to justify it..

Author:  ogre_h [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?

I was so disappointed in the Battle Pack version (bow-legged poor articulation), I was glad they didn't single card her right away, hoping they'd try to correct her.
I actually didn't mind the comic head on the V2 Baroness, as it seems "neutral" without the wind blown hair.

Author:  Bandalero [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?

It's weird, after seeing so much feedback from different boards I must have the only 5-pack Baroness that came out of the box fresh. Everyone talks about her bow-leggedness and frailty but at least for my Baroness she's perfect - will snap a few pics, didn't do anything to her, just took her out of the box.

I'd like to get her single-carded though, the cardart is worth it.

Author:  AutobotC5 [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?

I thought she was going to be released in a future wave, with non-windblown hair...only the specific wave hadn't been stated yet.

Author:  dasaffe [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?

Well, she is, but in different colors. That's the blue/yellow comic/cartoon figure that Bandy was talking about. That's slated for wave 8 (Wave 4 2008).

Author:  Snikt [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?

AS I recall it has been stated that all of the figure pack figures would be rereleased as a single with out much change. Now I relise that SE was changed to black, but that is not to wide a difference, so I figure unless they decided that she would only sell if in the bright colors that she will be on her way at some point. As for the card art, from what I can tell none of the current 25th art is the same, it looks like it was all redone so the card image won't have anything to do with a release of a figure.

Author:  Goldbug [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Carded 25A Baroness v1 possible?

Bandalero wrote:
It's weird, after seeing so much feedback from different boards I must have the only 5-pack Baroness that came out of the box fresh. Everyone talks about her bow-leggedness and frailty but at least for my Baroness she's perfect - will snap a few pics, didn't do anything to her, just took her out of the box.

I'd like to get her single-carded though, the cardart is worth it.

Here is the thing the first battle packs she was bow-legged. In the revision packs they changed how they packed the figures. Those didn't suffer from bow-leggedness. That's where mine came from.


Although I do wish she had square glasses like the cartoon.

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