It's that time again, Wal-Mart computers list new wave?
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Author:  HypnoHustler [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  It's that time again, Wal-Mart computers list new wave?

List is supposedly . .

Cobra Flint
Mask (?)
Pilot Scarlett

Airborne is overdue, so I'm cool with that and if they give the Eel the same attention to detail that the other recent army builders have received it'll be great, but the rest leaves me a bit cold. Cobra Flint is probably Flint in his Trooper disguise from the Revenge of Cobra miniseries (anyone remember if he was ever shown w/o his hat in that, might be a decent way for them to sneak in a hatless Flint sculpt) Pilot Scarlett just sounds lame, and Zartan will probably be his ARAH design (Maybe the 25th Zartan upper torso on the Ripper lower with some new arms?) which I've never really liked. No idea on what "Mask" could be.

Author:  iwbeta [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It's that time again, Wal-Mart computers list new wave?

Don't remember if Flint was hatless in the miniseries, but in the episode where Lady Jaye finds she is related to Destro, Flint was hatless.

Author:  PaidLoad [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It's that time again, Wal-Mart computers list new wave?

could be mohawk zartan...

but i'm kind of hoping for more of a look that matches up with his cartoon or comic appearance. i'm guessing it'll be airborne v1 and not the sky patrol one.

Author:  Scramble [ Sat Apr 12, 2008 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It's that time again, Wal-Mart computers list new wave?

You know how cartoon-style Cobra Commander comes with one of the material tubes for the MASS Device? I have a feeling other Joes based on cartoon appearances will come with cartoon inspired accessories. Since I'm a Flint whore AND a cartoon whore, I'm looking forward to Cobra Flint.

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