Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?
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Author:  Fett80 [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

is it true???? :-(

Author:  JBYRDD [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

No they haven't, but i know that the Big "H" sent them a "C & D" order, GTG is now known as "G2G" and the store will be up and running soon, with lots of new custom sculpted items as well as some old custom favorites.

Author:  ZombieGuide [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

According to what David told me in Atlanta, it was a long time coming due to the recasting of Star Wars items.

Since then, he's made the decision to go do his own toyline. Not to worry, he's coming back, and there shouldn't be any problems this time around. Also, don't expect any SW castings :P

Author:  Keenan [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

All questions will be answered soon enough ;-) .

Author:  chaosx [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

All questions will be NOT be answered soon enough. I loved that site and most of the stuff I ordered was original sculpts anyway. I am impatient, I know...but man..there is so much quality there that I want to get my ordering on!!!

Author:  SlayerDave [ Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

Thanks both Jfak and Zombie guide,you guys always looking out for us,and keeping it real.

Yes we are closeing G2G, But we are reopening a new store and a new forum. The new store will be called Tri-Gate Creations.

The forum will be ment for fun, and the store well, it will be the business side of things, there will also be a update manager page that you can find the latest news, as well as a contact us email for any issues or concerns.

The New store,will host original sculpt items that will be cast for use with Joe and starwars figures in mind.

We can no longer make copys of hasbro product,altho it was great for customizers,not so much for hasbro.

The store will also go back to a instock cart,so grab stuff when you see it, we will be restocking but will based on how fast items go out of stock.

Thanks for all the support,and we are hoping under the new format to serve you better,faster ship times, paypal confirmations,and just cool as hell product.

Hope that answers the question.

Author:  zedhatch [ Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

The New store,will host original sculpt items that will be cast for use with Joe and starwars figures in mind.

WIth that statement I have a question (actually I have had it in mind for a while).

Some of my favorite items were those intended to be Established characters who never recieved a figure (IE Heads of Dr. Venom and Zayana).

So with that in mind, is it your intention to still offer those heads under the names of "Doc" or "Punk Daughter" as you have done before or will you be stoping such items in the future?

I suppose things like Battle Damaged Snake Eyes might be impossible due to the fact he is so recognizeable, but I think I will ask there just to be sure if that was another item on the "no-no" list since even though Hasbro never did one, it is technically a copywrited character.

Anyway just wanted some degree of clarification, also if you don't mind is there a reason for the name change?

Author:  Phalanxx [ Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

Zed, for the most part originally sculpted or modified parts will be still be available, just no straight up repro stuff.

As for the name change, it ties into the direction we are headed as a company and into our 3060 universe.

For more information please see our official announcement over at G2G.


Author:  samjjones [ Fri Apr 18, 2008 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

As a fan of the 25A Joes, looking forward to seeing what kind of brand new custom head/accessory sculpts you guys can come up with to complement the line.

Author:  SlayerDave [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

The name change will tie in very strongly to the story we plan to tell.thru our figs. Big plans ahead.

Table top game,using your figs.
and possible a comic,all based on the world of 3060.

GIJOE is great,as well as starwars,we just wanted something other then the big 2,to play around with. We will continue to make 1/18th scale figures ,heads and weapons. all ment for use with all other 1/18th scale products.

Likeness sculpts and mods will still be available,we can not produce a head that is clearly se and call it se,so it will have a number or a randon name. YOU the customizer will know who it is,well thats if we do a good enough job of a sculpt.

Our new team, Eric(Phalanxx),Dennis(k1),Ben(Jedi Ben) and my self Dave(Bek)Gray.
We all have clear cut roles,and this should mean faster ship times,and better service.

I failed big time ,trying to keep this afloat for the last 2 years.We are hoping the change and direction make up for my mistakes. Was a huge learning experience,and for all who had our backs,Thankyou. Thankyou for the respect,Thankyou for support,and Thankyou for letting us be a part of where you call home.


Author:  killuminati [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

dude u didnt phail,
you worked your butt off on this, so I wouldnt call if phailure,

its just an evolution of a business, and there will always be strong support as long as
there still is that strong connection to the fan base,

phailure u are not DBGRAY

Author:  zedhatch [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

I failed big time ,trying to keep this afloat for the last 2 years.We are hoping the change and direction make up for my mistakes. Was a huge learning experience,

Just a peice of advice, focus on the last part of that statement and less on the first.

For the record I don't think you failed, made mistakes yes (and I won't pound on them here) but then again we all do. But as long as you learned from them they can be turned into positives.

Author:  crowncoke [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?


Thanks for the clarifications on all of this. I know that GTG as it is now will be missed, I also know that the Tri-Verse has possibilities to go so many directions. As for that BS talk of failure... forget that. You have humped bumped and not slept to make GTG continue for 2 yrs. Nobody could have asked for more. Blood, sweat and tears... those you gave. For that we thank you... At least, I thank you.

Its a bumpy road, but arent they all.

Author:  Cap [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

Well I am very glad you'll still be afloat. In all sincere honesty, it was your product, and John's before it, that kept me in the hobby at all. It opened up such a creative well that I never even thought to take, that I wonder what I missed out on the years before.

Kudos on surviving Dave.

Author:  betabob [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is it true that GTG as been close by Hasbro?

I'm guessing that you guys will be posting up a link for the new store once it's ready to go.

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