Diaper Vipers ...UNITE!!!!!!!I really like the sound of that.
So henceforth it shall be known that fathers in Joedom shall be referred to as the Diaper Viper Corps.
Congrats on the addition.
Well I have an 8 month old daughter who is now teething.
So as far as advice is concerned; here's my 2 cents. It may sound like the ramblings of someone who feels like an old man, but I digress.
1. Floss. Oral hygene is very important as you will be kissing the new addition a lot and smiling for many pictures.
2. Get some sleep now. Relax. Rest. A week before mommy goes Pop IS too late for many reasons which you will soon find out.
3. Take classes on baby stuff. If nothing else it will give you peace of mind. It mostly reinforces the basics which most people probably know.
4. Read. There are many books out there. The funny ones give sound advice and doubles as therapy and triples as entertainment. You WILL need a sense of humor.
5. Plan. People do not plan to fail, they fail to plan. Baby Room painting, furniture, whatever that needs to be planned set up at least an outline and then go fromm there with your partner.
6. Any domestic duties i.e. construction or any special projects better be done before baby. After baby things tae at least 10 times longer.
7. Lucky number seven. "Second day babies cry a lot. It's normal." ERRRRRRRRRRRR
That's what the nurses told us.
Second day babies scream bloody murder!!!. Why?? Here's the scoop as I know it for our situation.
Hailey was Breast fed for 6 months. I reccomend that if possible to have the child breast fed for as long as possible but minimum 6 months. Even is that's not the sole food source. Problem was Kate's milk didn't start right away. No problem we were told.
Well guess what I found out about second day babies: They're screamming blood murder because the food source that was stored in their system from being in the womb has pretty much been consumed by the second day. They're screaming because they're little bodies are pretty much out of the nutrition they had from mommy i.e. they're freaking starving on the second day.
Feed the second day baby. Want to breeat feed, but no milk? give a bottle and don't worry about it. Keep working on the milk supply and don't worry about what the child will or won't get used to in a 24hr period.
Be wary that nurses are people to with different outlooks on the same thing. They have lots of experience but they are not GOD. Take what is said with a grain of salt and go with your gut.
We were told not to bottle feed if we wanted to breast feed our child because then she's have a preference. UGH. Just feed the kid.
End number seven.
8. Bring camera and/or video camera. Record the weiging and measuring of your child. It's awesome. And babies 1st bath. optional: 1st poo. Dude it's like TAR!!! You could pave roads with it.
I could go on but PM me if you have any questions. Advice is always free.
OMG; I brokeded the internets!!!!!!!!!!
Diaper Viper Corps Member