AutobotC5 wrote:
chad_ghost wrote:
You are incorrect. You are thinking of the second & third. The 1st the body was originally used for The New Kids On The Block 12inch line.
Mr. Ghost is correct here. It's horrible for articulation, but apparently was the closest "off-the-shelf" body they had at the time. The first "general release" HOF body didn't change much from that other than getting a more muscular (but still unarticulated) torso, and arms with new hands that would actually hold the weapons. Oh, and the general-release Duke got a different head than the Target Exclusive.
Anyone else still have theirs, BTW?
I dunno if I still have mine, but I got the Hall of Fame Duke probably the first week it was out (my parents and I were at the local TRU every weekend and twice during the week looking for them... they were convinced they'd be collector's items)... and my first HOF Duke had the smooth, undefinied chest that years later I found out belonged to the Target Duke... another one I got a few years later had the regular HOF chest that Snakes, Stalker, and CC had from the start. He had the proper HOF head and arms... just that sad, nipple-less torso...