Chap Mei Sky Crane - $16.99 at!
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Author:  kingofpain26 [ Mon May 05, 2008 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Chap Mei Sky Crane - $16.99 at!

just got mine in the mail (Mini Review)

...I really wish I had a digital camera.

First off, If I knew how big these copters were I wouldnt have ordered three.

These things are HUGE! Much bigger than they appear on computer screens. I would guestimate they are as large as a Tomahawk, if not larger.

It also has electric Lights & Sounds (A siren and rotor blade sounds)

well,.. Im at work so I havent opened the package yet, but it comes with two figures (safari and rescue) two Dinosaurs (Triceratops - about as big as a Rhino would be, and a little,.. well,. those venom spitting dinos from Jurassic park), a medical case with tools, and some nets.

the Copter itself is pretty ok looking up close. The cargo area is huge (modified, the cargo box could hold 15-17 fully geared Vipers easy, otherwise its just a big cage) remove the cargo box/ cage, and the cargo space is big enough to hold a Vamp, or mobat sized vehicle, (if twistie-tied in, hold on to the big twistie ties) or a smaller vehicle, like the Armadillo or two recon sleds, easy.

the cockpit is about the same design/ construction as the Chap Mei Chinook (2 seater) although this one has seat belts to secure the pilots in.

as for customizing,...

doesnt look like any weapons can be attached, unless you put a side chin gun like on the chinook, or add missiles to the side landing struts. If you removed the cage bars, you could add walls to the sides (and a door) maybe using some sheet styrene or epoxy putty to make it look like the cobra Transport copter. But I plan on spraypainting two of them cobra Blue (Or black, gotta look at the comic book again) and paint the third Olive Drab for a joe version.

...or I could remove the rotor blades, add some rocket engines on top, and it would make a cool space dropship.

Author:  C Urbach [ Mon May 05, 2008 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Chap Mei Sky Crane - $16.99 at!

Thanks a lot for the review. It pretty much hits the nail on the head.

I'm glad you were able to get in on the deal. When I posted about the price drop a few weeks ago, I thought we'd see them sell out.


It's still listed at that price however and with free shipping, you can get more without it costing you extra. Unlike Amazon's usual speed, I got mine in under a week. As someone else who got theris fast put it, they must really want to clear these out!

One thing really good about this and most Chap mei is that they are assembled with screws and can be easily taken apart for painting/customization. You can remove electronics or attach fasteners to the hidden insides so it's easier to build on them. Also, in this case, the bars on the sides of the cargo box look like they can be removed by just unscrewing the parts that hold them in.

Still a great deal on a cool vehicle. Of course, now you know Hasbro will make an officia Cobra transport for the 25th :)

BTW, the idea of converting it to a dropship is really cool. Might have to think about trying that...

Author:  kingofpain26 [ Mon May 05, 2008 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chap Mei Sky Crane - $16.99 at!

well now that Im home and opened the package, the box of equipment is actually medical tools. Too bad theyre chap me sized (too big for joes) cayse theres a syringe, scissors, scalpel, and vial. would look good on Dr. Mindbender's table.

the cage, when removed, has wheeles and a rollbar, and there is a crane on the coptor (The Mobat/ Vamp transport is looking more likely for copter #2) It does have a ramp. so the only thing that needs to be altered would be the cage walls (the ceiling should probably be kept open for figure removal.

turns out the seat belts in the cockpit were molded into the seats.

Author:  jcast [ Mon May 05, 2008 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chap Mei Sky Crane - $16.99 at!

Anyone have the Giant Gorilla rescue set? What's it like?

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