25th trend
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Author:  Scramble [ Mon May 05, 2008 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  25th trend

Here's something fun about the 25th figures released. They started very heavily 82-84. Occasionally we got an 85 figure like Flint and Lady Jaye, and we even got Serpentor from 86, such as he was. Now it seems gears are shifting and we are predominantly getting 84-86 figures with the odd older and younger figure being released.

It doesn't exactly sync-up, but I still appreciate that as the line moves away from the 25th anniversary of the 82 figures, it moves towards the 25th anniversary of later figures.

Author:  Bandalero [ Mon May 05, 2008 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th trend

I think that's what they have to do, not only because they will eventually exhaust every '82-'83 character if they kept on charting that course, but in order to keep calling it the "25th" anniversary figures they'd have to look at other years, 'cept they're technically ahead of the curve on the '85-'86 years. With that said, I doubt they'll remake every single character again ~ we'll eventually see brand spanking new characters in 25A-style.

I'm quite proud of my nautical reference.

Author:  Python Viper [ Mon May 05, 2008 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th trend

Yeah, I noticed that too. They started with the early figures and are working their way back. They are about to get way ahead of the curve with the Tiger Force Flint and Duke coming out and the Python Officer. TF and PP were 88 and 89.

But also if you look, there are versions of figures that have been done for the 25th that were never seen until a couple years ago. I am talking about the Comic pack versions of the Cobra Troopers and Officers as well as the Storm Shadow that came out with the LEGIONS pack. That SS was the 25th edition of the single carded SPYTROOPS version released just 2 or 3 years ago as far as I can tell. We are alo about to see the Comic Baroness soon which was a recent release.

So yes I agree with the trend but at the same time Hasbro has been giving us 25th versions of very recent figures as well as original ARAH figures. This tactic probably has 2 selling points, the comic packs got a good response from the long term fans so they knew the comic versions would sell. Plus, the comic versions are mostly what any new fans, new collectors and kids are familiar with. So in order to keep the 25th familiar to that group, Hasbro released those comic versions in the 25th right away.

Author:  slim19722 [ Mon May 05, 2008 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th trend

Hasbro said the 25th Anniversary was to celebrate all of GI Joe in the last 25 years(1982-2007) and Legions Storm Shadow falls into that grouping. Wave 8, with the exception of Major Bludd no longer has the 25th logo. It's just 25th style articulation from now on.

Author:  Python Viper [ Mon May 05, 2008 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th trend

slim19722 wrote:
Hasbro said the 25th Anniversary was to celebrate all of GI Joe in the last 25 years(1982-2007) and Legions Storm Shadow falls into that grouping. Wave 8, with the exception of Major Bludd no longer has the 25th logo. It's just 25th style articulation from now on.

I agree, thats what the 25th is all about. I heard about the logo changing or being removed, I think the new articulation will always be referred to the 25th though.

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