What's the collectable history been on something like this such as the Steel Brigade forms etc.? The longterm value isn't going to change my mind about sending the forms off, I'm just curious what others are thinking.
Think about it this way, would you pay more for a loose, mint and complete 1987 figure if he included the form for the Fridge mail away? Sure, it's a neat extra, but not something that most people will pay extra for. The general consensus has always been that figures are complete with their accessories. It is a rare case where included paperwork is considered part of a complete figure. (With the notable exception of filecards.)
If you look at the vintage line, there are few examples of paperwork that (aside from blueprints and filecards) fetch serious premiums. And, even when they do, it is due to the fact that the paperwork is INCREDIBLY rare. (And, in most cases, if there were figures of similar rarity, the prices would be three or four times as much as the paperwork.) The common mail away forms are pretty easy to find and insanely cheap. Even the harder to find forms from the line's final years are fairly easy to find with minimal effort. It is the direct mail promotional items that tend to be rarest since those were only offered to select customers during specific time periods.
These Doc forms will not be rare since they were included in every comic pack during a peak production period. Lots of people might send them in, but once the redemption is done, there will still be thousands upon thousands of carded comic packs with those stickers, etc. still in them that will be available on the aftermarket. Really, the only value these things have is that they can be redeemed for a Doc. Long term, Doc will always be more desireable than stickers or order forms since he's a tangible figure. Most likely, the will follow the path of their predecessors where they will be interesting items but nothing that is going to have much of a collector demand once they're gone.