25th Figs Mia by the years through 85
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Author:  dakullprt [ Fri May 16, 2008 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  25th Figs Mia by the years through 85

82- Short Fuse- Zap

83 Airborn, Tripwire, CorverGirl ( Tan Grunt)

84 Blowtorch, Mutt& Junkyard,Recondo, Ripcord,ScrapIron, Cutter, Thunder (Tan Clutch)

85 Airtight, Alpine, Dusty,Footlose, Quickkick, Frostbite, HeavyMetal, Keelhaul,Lampry, Tollbooth

Author:  past nastification [ Fri May 16, 2008 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th Figs Mia by the years through 85

The "25th Anniversary 1982-1987" logo is still on the packaging. Since we're 5 months into 2008, I don't even see why the anniversary logo is even there. The 25th year has come and gone.

Having said that, I would have preferred that all of the 1982 figures and
characters were covered during the 25A celebration.

The bodies for Short-Fuze and Zap already exist, assuming that the Snake-Eyes body would be used. Hasbro only needs to sculpt to new heads and one webgear. With all of the extra Dukes and Cobra Commanders that have been shoved into each wave, the space could have been better spent on different characters.

Author:  beav [ Fri May 16, 2008 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th Figs Mia by the years through 85

Well, if it's 25th anniversary of that date range, it'd mean it's valid from 2007 until 2012 shouldn't it?

Author:  dakullprt [ Fri May 16, 2008 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th Figs Mia by the years through 85


The bodies for Short-Fuze and Zap already exist, assuming that the Snake-Eyes body would be used. Hasbro only needs to sculpt to new heads and one webgear. With all of the extra Dukes and Cobra Commanders that have been shoved into each wave, the space could have been better spent on different characters.[/quote]

I kind of think they are waiting on the tooling to make their webgear, being they are the only ones with it.

Author:  roguetiger [ Fri May 16, 2008 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th Figs Mia by the years through 85

dakullprt wrote:
I kind of think they are waiting on the tooling to make their webgear, being they are the only ones with it.

Why wait for the webgear? Their's Cobra figs and Joe figs already with web gear. Maybe its the Bazooka and Mortar launchers that they use that they are waiting for the sculpting on??

Author:  dakullprt [ Sat May 17, 2008 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th Figs Mia by the years through 85

roguetiger wrote:
dakullprt wrote:
I kind of think they are waiting on the tooling to make their webgear, being they are the only ones with it.

Why wait for the webgear? Their's Cobra figs and Joe figs already with web gear. Maybe its the Bazooka and Mortar launchers that they use that they are waiting for the sculpting on??

Well head sculpts webgear, or weapons they waiting on somthing all I know is they better be in the next wave.

Author:  lococaca [ Sat May 17, 2008 2:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th Figs Mia by the years through 85

I'll play devils advocate here:

I think the main reason we havent seen Zap or Short Fuze yet is simple. For the most part, the Original 13 are boring. Bland color, very little character. I'd be willing to bet that the reason we havent seen them yet is because Hasbro has been waiting to put them out as vehicle pack ins or Comic packs. Thats what they've done with the other not so hot characters.

:stalker: Single Pack
:rocknroll: Single Pack
:flash: Single Pack
:snakeeyes: 5 pack
:scarlett: 5 pack
:grunt: 3 Pack
:steeler: Vehicle Pack
:grandslam: Vehicle Pack
:comic_clutch: Vehicle Pack
:hawk: Comic Pack
:breaker: Comic Pack

Author:  Taliesin Crow [ Sat May 17, 2008 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th Figs Mia by the years through 85

dakullprt wrote:
82- Short Fuse- Zap

83 Airborn, Tripwire, CorverGirl ( Tan Grunt)

84 Blowtorch, Mutt& Junkyard,Recondo, Ripcord,ScrapIron, Cutter, Thunder (Tan Clutch)

85 Airtight, Alpine, Dusty,Footlose, Quickkick, Frostbite, HeavyMetal, Keelhaul,Lampry, Tollbooth

You can take Airborne, Mutt & Junkyard, and Tripwire off that list as they have already been shown in upcoming waves. I also believe that Scrapiron and Quick Kick were roumored as well.



Author:  PaidLoad [ Sat May 17, 2008 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 25th Figs Mia by the years through 85

lococaca wrote:
I'll play devils advocate here:

I think the main reason we havent seen Zap or Short Fuze yet is simple. For the most part, the Original 13 are boring. Bland color, very little character. I'd be willing to bet that the reason we havent seen them yet is because Hasbro has been waiting to put them out as vehicle pack ins or Comic packs. Thats what they've done with the other not so hot characters.

:stalker: Single Pack
:rocknroll: Single Pack
:flash: Single Pack
:snakeeyes: 5 pack
:scarlett: 5 pack
:grunt: 3 Pack
:steeler: Vehicle Pack
:grandslam: Vehicle Pack
:comic_clutch: Vehicle Pack
:hawk: Comic Pack
:breaker: Comic Pack

And these two are kinda boring characters. If they redid an "Original 13" they probably wouldn't even include a mortar trooper.

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