Darko wrote:
See, I'd love a stealth in Joe-scale, not true 1:18. True 1:18 looks great, but not next to joe stuff.
Agreed. The Elite Ops F-18 and A-10, much like the Skystriker and the old A-Team F-16, are near perfect in "Joe-scale". I figure the planes are about 1:35, with cockpit seats scaled for 1:18. It seems to split the right difference between playability and that "believeable" look.
However, I must disagree on this formula with respect to the Mi-24 Hind. It would
need to be huge and scary. Whichever toy manufacturer grows a large enough set of manstones to make one in true 1:18 scale will be doing us all a great service.
So someone do it already!!!! *ahem*
dakullprt wrote:
What would you do with it?
Put jet engines in it and make it a [LASER BLAST]' R/C plane.
Smaller R/C planes would just need to stay the hell away from the wingtips though...
In all seriousness, it would be ungainly. I'm just a big fan of the plane, that's all.
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