What are your Standard Vehicles for Joe and Cobra?
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Author:  MobileBattleBunker [ Tue May 27, 2008 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  What are your Standard Vehicles for Joe and Cobra?

We all know that things like The Buzzboar and swamp smasher don't make it into every fight and the modern military is based around standardization...

My question is which vehicles do you use as Default?

Will post later wanted to throw the question out there


Author:  Dream [ Tue May 27, 2008 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are your Standard Vehicles for Joe and Cobra?

My Joes use Maulers, SkyStrikers, A.W.E. Strikers, Vamps, and H.A.V.O.C.s while my Cobras Use H.I.S.S.s, Night Ravens, S.T.U.N.S., Farrets, and Stingers

Author:  prime2001 [ Tue May 27, 2008 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are your Standard Vehicles for Joe and Cobra?

I guess it all depends on the era you're talking about.

The original run (which I would consider to end in 1990) - I'd agree with Dream but I'd add the Tomahawk, Snowcat, (standard Arctic vehicle), Armadillo, Sky Hawk, HISS 2, ASP, FANG and Rattler.

Author:  MobileBattleBunker [ Wed May 28, 2008 2:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are your Standard Vehicles for Joe and Cobra?

I have been thinking:

My Joe team uses:
Jungle Strike/Desert Strike Humvees to replace the aging VAMP Fleet
Recon Troops still use the AWE Striker
Tiger Paws and RAMs(who haven proven themselves much more resilient than sliver Mirages) are the small vehicle categories

The Joes primary Troop carrier is now the Warthog, as the APC isnt armored
For MBTs it is either the Mauler Mk III ( Grizzly) or retrofited Mauler mk II (Equalizer)
Wolverines and Sluggers make up the artillery corp (these recently were recommissioned to replace the large Patriot, Thunderclap, Rolling Thunder and Attack Cruiser systems as they are better on fuel)
The Joes Still have Two Toss n Cross Bridge Layers in working order should the need arise.

The MCC fleet (all 3) have been replaced with made to order ROCCs with trailers to suit the mission needs, like processing labs or detainment cells.

Defensive Units:
Air Defense Missles Launcher
Whilwind Battle Guns
Defense Mech

Special Environments:
Ice Sabres- recently replaced Snow cats
Polar Bear

Air Units:
Dragon Fly MkIII (NAC- Night Attack Configuration)
Tomahawk Transport chopper - Still the best at what it does
Sky Hawk VTOL Patrol Crafts (base Defense)
Sky sweeper spy jet which recently replaced the phantom x-19
Thunder Wing Jets which replaced the Tiger Rats and thunder bolts as Close air support
Conquests still reign as the fighter escort plane of choice - several upgrades later the airframe still proves to be resilient and dependable
Air Assault Gliders (paratroops)

Sea Units:
USS Flagg - the one/ the only
SHARC Mk II(Specter configuration): Combat Submarines
Whale Attack/Landing Crafts
Devil Fish attack boats
Moray PT Boats
Wave Crusher Jet Skis


Author:  _Flashback_ [ Wed May 28, 2008 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are your Standard Vehicles for Joe and Cobra?

I dont collect many vehicles at all, so I'm down to using the Target AWE and the RHINO for the Joes, and the HISS 3 and DTC HISS for Cobra.

Author:  FNAadventures [ Wed May 28, 2008 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are your Standard Vehicles for Joe and Cobra?

Mine use vehicles that I have customized which include alot of 1/18th diecast stuff. Most of the stuff for Gi Joe isnt modified to much but I like the walker bulldog tank for the joes and the patton tank and hummers for the normal vehicle. Cobra has abunch of jeep wranglers and porsche cayennes and abrams tanks for armor.

Author:  Python Viper [ Wed May 28, 2008 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are your Standard Vehicles for Joe and Cobra?

I use alot of stuff.


Warthog/Night Rhino
Mean Dog
SM Equalizer
Rolling Thunder
Snow Cat
Sky Hawk


Hiss II
Trubble Bubble

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