Sharkbait wrote:
Okay let me speak from my past experiances.
As a kid buying Joes was about the toy.. It was a real treat to see your favorite toy in the toon. But the toon only used a hand full of characters. I only got into the comics now and then and did not read them regularly at all. (I only got them now and then from a local drug store.) The toon did not change my buying wants. But it did give a story to the figures. Without the toon I would not have known Destro was just an arms dealer, Duke was the field leader while Hawk was in over all command.
Now on to more resent years.. My son once reaching toy age didn't really want GI Joes. He wanted Pokimon, Yugi Oh, Ben 10, Naruto and so on.. I think he would have been a Barney freak if they would have given that purple dinosaur a gun.
My conclusion, based only upon my experiance is this.....
My generation (and probably yours) did not need a media outlet to tell us what we liked. Today however, for whatever reason, children depend on media forms to tell them what is kool and what is not..
What this may imply.....
To sell to collectors of old, no media form of any kind is required. It is however a treat to see thier favorite characters portrayed.
But to sell to kids today you MUST have a media outlet. TF - ANimated Ben 10 DC/Marvel figures and so on all have a run of some sort going on to help push their products to the mindless drones we call our children.
This study of toy marketing was done as of 2008 all rights reserved. Case subjects 2.
don't kid yourself< SB, we were drones at that age. If it hadn't been for joe being on five days a week, I would have had zero interest. He-man, same, I mean the figures were barely articulated and I don't know anyone who thought they were fun to play with, "look Heman can move his arms, kind of"
The overflow of crap fillers is what killed the collection for me, we have 15 vipers 10 bludd, 10 wild bill at both WM right now. I managed to pick up the best of 80's dvd, under about a dozen of sets 1 and 2, most people I guess didn't bother.
While I think resolute looks good and the figures are exceptional, I wonder about the cross of lines. I would have much preferred them to finished out at about wave 10, then do a couple waves of resolute only to coincide with the cartoon(but if its going to be online only, I fear only old men huddled around their aged computer will be watching).
If the movie didn't look like a streetfighter sequel, I'd be more optimistic, but I do think we'll see some sales as there will finally be joes visible to a new generation. But I fear, the same sad fraternity of people will be buying this stuff up again.
But, since I only want fodder for the most part, this is all good news for me. I comfort myself with the fact that Hasbro is cheap, we'll see 25a construction on everything they do from now on, as its already been paid for,
Hulk Hogan wrote:
So Beav is Narceron?
Chief wrote:
Now, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it here in the forums, but I have this intense hatred of short people.*