Case Pack Count?
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Author:  MarkM [ Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Case Pack Count?

I searched for this but couldn't find the original posting, so thought I'd re-ask...
What's the case pack on the latest wave, with BBQ, Bazooka, Hawk, etc.? I went to Wal-Mart this morning and they had restocked big time. Three pegs overflowing, and part of a fourth. However, it was mostly knife-chest Snakes and Vipers. I found one each of Hawk, BBQ, and Bazooka, with no other new figures. It's quite possible someone got there before me and snagged any other new stuff, but three new figures among dozens of rehashes seems odd.

As a side note, I actually felt bad, because right after I got those guys in my hands, another guy was kind of looking sidewise at the pegs. I asked if he was looking for anything in particular. He just said he was looking for any new stuff. I showed him what I had found and said, "I think this is it, but there should've been more." I know it's first come first serve, and if I had found two of each, I would've offered him one of each rather than buy both (I like one on card, one open), but I still felt kind of bad, because of the whole letdown thing on his part.

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