JoeCustoms After Dark pilot episode - UNCENSORED

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by pluv

Pocast episode link -

Warning, we attempted something new for this one, something we've talked about for over a year. We've wanted to do an off topic show that was just us talking without any segments or direction. As I explain in the episode, that isn't how this started, but it is where the journey ended up. It is literally clips of us just sitting around chatting after AR. However, the episode is uncensored. This is how we talk. So please, NSFW or around young children or my mom.

Hosts (mostly):
Jeff aka JoeMichaels70
Dennis aka drbindy
Matt aka HypnoHustler
Dan aka DanOfTheDead
Mike aka JoeCzar
Bucky as himself

With special appearances from nova, Mr. and Mrs. Dream, notpicard, and anyone else in the Hyatt lobby that night.


Bedtime story

Defiant saved

Gentlemen's agreement
shake on it.jpg
shake on it.jpg (37.63 KiB) Viewed 20848 times

Only Hypno was injured in the making of this custom.
Cherry_01.jpg (35.64 KiB) Viewed 20848 times

by ahmedsayeed1982


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