I've been sick
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Author:  DarkJedi [ Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  I've been sick

Well, it's been a few interesting weeks. I haven't been online a lot due to illness.

I went to see the new James Bond movie back on the 8th. No issues there.

The next day my Mother came home from helping out at the Sharathon (twice a year fund-raiser for the local radio network) and she wasn't feeling well-mostly just run down. She felt they had left a door open and she was cooler as a result of that.

She cut back her activities and stayed home. Mostly sinusitus related symptons. Around 6PM on the 12th I started getting a few chills. I've been wearing sweat pant shorts, so I just thought I was a little cool. I started taking sinus-related medication just to get ahead.

I started checking our temperatures, using a digital thermometer. I usually run a few degrees lower than normal. If normal is 98.6, I run somewhere in the mid 96 range. Only once did I hit 99, but I also had multiple layers of heavy clothing on to burn out the impacted sinus. For the past week I have been no higher than 96.6.

On the 15th my Mom and I headed to her Doctor's to get tested. Since I wasn't feeling bad, I drove her. She found out she tested positive for Covid on the 17th. I went and got tested on the 19th. Up to that point I was mostly stuffed up, not really coughing. I kept putting the bean bag thing in the microwave to heat it up and apply to my head to loosen up my sinus. My upper right jaw was swollen. Found out on the 21st I tested positive too. However, I was cleared on Saturday. She has been cleared too.

Right now I feel tired, with my breath feeling cool. I am not coughing a lot, but seem to be purging real slimy mucus if I go from horizontal to vertical.

We've both been in contact with the local Health Department and have followed all the protocols. I am hoping this is the extent of our illnesses.

I don't get really sick that often, but when I do I usually get it harder and faster than others. For example, while others might get the 24-hour flu, I would get it in eight hours. So factor what you might get in 24 hours, by three in a third of the time.

We never lost sense of smell or sense of taste. I had a few points where I was stuffed up and had restricted smell, but if I opened something sealed I could still smell it.

So, that's what has been going on so far for me in October...

Author:  MJTanner [ Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I've been sick

that's rough man, hope you mend well.

Author:  2DARK2C [ Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I've been sick

glad to hear you are cleared and feeling somewhat better.

Author:  harlie [ Wed Oct 27, 2021 2:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I've been sick

Well distanced hugs my friend. I hope you continue to get better.

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