Finishing up my Sgt. Slaughter trifecta, The Renegades.
The Renegades are the last chance for bad guys seeking redemption. Some are presented with the option as an invitation, and some make the plea after capture. Duke brings each recruits case to his team of advisors. Stalker, Scarlett, Slaughter, and Hawk. The five must agree unanimously. Once the recruit is agreed upon, they are sent to The Slaughterhouse in the Rocky Mountains. There, they go through brutal training. Most wish they had chosen prison or the grave.
Mercer and Red Dog are in charge of The Slaughterhouse. They are joined by Nomad and Freight in the recruits' reformation. Looking at these now, I really would like to update these in modern style customs.
Clint Stacey led his tank crew in an attempt to steal Trucial Abysmian gold. His escape plan utilized Zanzibar for the airlift. His plan failed, but he was then in debt to the Dreadnoks. GI Joe was able to rescue them from their forced servitude, but they faced court martial and treason charges. Duke countered with the new Renegades program, offering to take Stacey's place in the court martial if Stacey's Heroes didn't abide by new orders.
Left to Right,
Oz, Stacey, Mo, Oddball, and Bookie.
Ghost Bear was recruited and used by Cobra. Told that Snake Eyes was responsible for his father Kwinn's death, Ghost Bear was only after revenge. After finally learning the truth, he surrendered to Snake Eyes. He asked to be assigned to the Renegades where he has built his Pulverizer Mk II.
Walker, Shy, and Ragnar were members of The Phoenix Guard and were imprisoned after the failed attack on Springfield. Walker is the marksman, Shy is the communications expert. I just really liked both of those figures, so I renamed them. Ragnar is a simple headswap of a Volstagg figure onto a Terra-Viper.
Stiletto was a cool figure but she didn't work as a bad guy for me. Her colors remind me of the Marauders so I put her with this group until I figure the character out.
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"Have your adventures, make your mistakes, and choose your friends poorly -- all these make for great stories."
— Chuck Palahniuk
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