I've always liked Ripcord - I thought he was pretty much a bad-ass back in the "Invade Cobra Island & save Candy" story arc back in the 80s. I figured it was time he got the 25A treatment. On my team, there's no need for a "HALO Jumper", because pretty much all of the Joes are HALO qualified. So Ripcord serves as the Team's Jumpmaster (the guy who pushes them out of the plane), as well as a squad leader (like Grunt.)
What's funny is that he's basically a product of spare parts bashing - I snagged a Cobra Officer & a SE to re-do my MAJ Bludd, and cobbled the pieces together, added a BBI head and there he was:
I built the 'chute rig from a couple of BBI & PTE parts & 25A Roadblock's webgear.
Now, the whole "HALO" thing is only a 5-minute job. Once you're on the ground, you need the right gear. So most of the time, RC is geared up like this (his head doesn't really look that weird in person):
Here's my 25A "ultimate" Snake Eyes -- I added a holster and a Marauder Inc pistol, a scabbard for his GTG sword, gave him some SAW Viper hands, and a Blowtorch head. Add some black highlights and there you go:
His head is still swappable with the V1 and V2 masks.
In addition to fixing Scarlett's crotch (as detailed by our own Gen Hawk), I figured she was too tall, so I knocked her down a few pegs. I'll end up giving her an all-new paintjob eventually, but here's a before & after pic:
Then there's my updated MAJ Bludd. I wasn't too happy with my first attempt (parts didn't look right and the paint quality sucked.) So on Jay's suggestion (thanks!), I snagged a Cobra Officer and threw on some SE legs & a GungHo holster, painted it with some Model Master paint instead of that crappy Apple Barrel, and here's how he turned out:
Don't know if you can see the green stripes down his legs like in the v1 figure - I'm pretty happy with those. I tried to "angry" him up by painting a snarling mouth, but I don't know if it worked or not.
This next one I owe to Chad, who not only gave me the idea, but sent me a CC v1 head so I could totally steal from him. I used the single-pack CC, since I like the darker colors better. He's been shortened to a more normal height (thanks again Chad!) and the hooded head is still swappable.
Updated my Flash with a "LASER rifle" & backpack (just a PTE radio pack modded):
And finally, I added a GH vest and a "Rambo III" knife to Spirit -- I think it works for him:
Lemme know what you think!