Personal Communication:
From: Lonzo "Stalker" Wilkinson
To: Lance "Clutch" Steinberg
"You're going to be in for a pretty unpleasant surprise once you reach the urban areas. I'm guessing all you've been seeing out there in the wastelands are Sand Vipers and Desert Scorpions. Don't get all uppity, I'm not saying it's been a cakewalk for you, but Cobra rolls out the heavy artillery for the old concrete jungles. Early on, they tried to hold onto major cities with their standard troops...Vipers, blue shirts, Alley Vipers. They got slaughtered. That's when the Elite Alley Vipers were born. Ever notice that a Cobra trooper's uniform is directly related to how much training time Cobra has invested in them? Blue shirts get about a week of training and they wear canvas. Well, Elite Alley Vipers wear suits of armor that make them look like medieval knights. The good news is it limits their mobility considerably. The bad news is they don't need to move fast; they're pretty much walking pillboxes. They get deployed usually one to a squad of regular Alley Vipers, which doesn't sound too bad, but it's been enough to secure Cobra's stranglehold on just about every major urban center in America. The key to dealing with these monsters is to either hit them with heavy explosives or get creative. When we were trying to take back the auto plants, I ended up hitting one with a commandeered bulldozer. That almost did the job."
And now the pictures...
Head: Night Adder w/ part of Accelerator suit helmet
Torso: Reactive Armor Heavy Duty
Arms: Accelerator Suit
Legs: Accelerator Suit
Shield: Alley Viper v1 repro
Neck Armor: part of Accelerator suit helmet
Backpack: Elite Viper
Finally got all of my fodder sorted and my workstation set up! I've got several other customs just waiting to be completed, so hopefully I'll get to those in the next week or so. Can't wait for the PoC Alley Vipers to come out to pair with this guy.