Gaigaan-Dnok wrote:
David Jake wrote:
... don't be like some other clowns *cough* and think you gotta crap out a golden egg everytime, it's art, just get it out there.
You know, I know that this wasn't aimed directly at me, but I think more than a few of us may take offense to this.
If I don't think I did the best I could on a custom, I'm not going to waste anyone else's time with it. Does that mean I think I "gotta crap out a golden egg everytime". You're "LASER BLAST" right it does. Why post something in a "critiques" section if your not looking for feedback to help make your work as good as possible? If I'm not willing to put forth the effort to present a "golden egg" then what is the point?
The point of art sure as hell isn't to "just get it out there", and to say as much pisses on all of the truly great art work done by some great customizers on this board, that took thought and effort to make it look as good as possible.
I'm sure my opinion won't matter to you, since you seem to base customizing ability on gallery submission numbers.
actually the point of art is to get it out there, my dad's a famour artist, what you think the point is never showing anyone your work and think your gonna come out with some perfect whatever, well sorry to break it to you there is no such thing. Nothing's ever gonna be perfect, and your right your opinion doesn't really matter to me, no offense, i dont even know you, why would it? I do this art and any successful artist does their art for themselves and if others can appreciate it then that's icing on the cake. Again just get it out there. Who cares, 'waste ppl's time', pfff come on dude, they click a thing, they look, they like, they don't they don't.
Knowing is half the battle