Well now I'm glad I bought that 2nd set of Rebel Pilots on clearance - I know where the Jake head is going
- though to be honest, I still think the Airborne head looks great. But this one definitely gives Flint a more seasoned look. I'm not really a fan of the Quaid body because it's so small, but it works here. And like Joe, I would have loved to own your previous version, but apparently you're a greedy, selfish prick
Good work on him- and like always, I dig the little details like the AT belt buckle and the shotgun shells. I'd move the knife sheath to the small of the back, though - under the arm is cumbersome-looking, IMO. The detailing on the head is just phenomenal -- did you repaint the eyes at all? - they look a little different.
And STOP with all the Knighthawks already. Because every time you post a new Knighthawk I have to post an updated Moon Knight - I'm tired of it!