DREMEL wrote:
DarkJedi wrote:
DREMEL wrote:
raptor wrote:
It's a little spare in some areas, but it's an epic project.
- R
Define spare, not sure what you are trying to say.
I think the word here is *sparse*.
Sparse: present only in small amounts : less than necessary or normal; especially : thinly covering an area : not thick or full
I take it that it is thick in places and thin in others.
I thought about possibility that he meant sparse but still wanted clarification on what exactly he was critiquing. Dont mind the critique but would like to know what exactly he was trying to say.
Sorry, I missed this:
Spare: adj - with no excess fat; thin. e.g. "a spare, bearded figure"
It sort of looks like a flying scaffold. While it does look like it would structurally hold together, it seems to lack some of the surfaces needed to allow it to fly more than very small differences or hover in place.
I think as a crane for a single airbase that moves things around it works, but I couldn't imagine something with that little body surface being able to fly long distances with any stability.
Even this has a little body work around it to make it a little more flyable. I think when the wind caught the catwalk area or started breezing through the uncovered fron t area, it would have some significant trouble staying stable.
But we're talking G.I. Joe here, and so creative license with the rules of physics is pretty commonplace.
- R