I'm no GITrekker, but I got to write some of the file cards this time and wanted to share some of their secrets.
Larry Hama is the reason my brother learned how to read and the reason why I’m a writer for a living. I was so excited to get the chance to work on Resurgence file cards and went back to Hama’s cards for inspiration several times.
I love the thread on Hiss Tank, “What secrets are in the file cards?” Thinking back on the month of Resurgence (which was almost a year for us), I wanted to bring the same secrets to round 3. Here are some of the hidden things in the file cards:
Croc Master – We went back and forth between amphibian and reptilian in the wording.
Swamp Fox – He was based on an existing file card that Bucky did.
Underbrush – I loved the concept of someone living in a dense population center and dreaming of being concealed in the swamp or a jungle. His real name is a the first name in the Monty Python sketch “How to Avoid Being Seen” – “In this film we hope to show how not to be seen. This is Mr. E.R. Bradshaw of Napier Court, Black Lion Road London SE5. He cannot be seen. Now I am going to ask him to stand up. Mr. Bradshaw will you stand up please?” Underbrush would be smart enough to not stand up.
Pigsty – GI Trekker already had started him and I just added a little spice. Or more mud.
Mojo Rysing – The 8th Military Information Support Group is the real psyop division. I also wanted to show my theory of how the Dreadnoks hierarchy works – literal constant survival of the fittest.
Kangor – His original figure specialty was “Lutador Selvagem,” or Savage Fighter, which led to his real name being Leo Selvagem. Eaglehawk Neck, Australia was a great name and also where most convicts tried to escape the country when it was a penal colony. Plus, I wanted to set up a rivalry between Kangor and Big Boa, as they originally were the same sculpt.
Footloose – Once I came up with Footloose as Lebowski, the card wrote itself.
Hailstorm – All real bases and training, as per how Hama worked. I liked the idea that Hailstorm has been a soldier since he was a little kid.
Traverse – Why does GI Joe need a snowboarder? I asked myself that and then figured, well, if he actually had all of this training, Cobra might take him lightly when he’s one of the best trained, best equipped soldiers the Joes have. Again – I did a lot of research into what the toughest Arctic training would be.
Arctic Trooper – I had the idea that these guys are the rush pledges to the Joe team and are each assigned a mentor Joe. The snow guys – to Hawk’s chagrin – get Snow Job.
Jungle Troopers – The jungle green shirts answer to Recondo. It’d be cool to see what other environments and leaders could be created.
Cutter – Larry Hama also taught me geography. I’ve known for years that Kinsley, Kansas is the center of the US. I didn’t change much at all on Cutter, his original card is perfect.
Barracuda – His real name, Mark Duffy, comes from the TV show Man from Atlantis, whose main character Mark was played by Patrick Duffy. That’s where the “bet he has gills” comment comes from. Ann Arbor is where Olympic swimmers train and open water is a newer event for the sport.
Silent Master – I wanted to write the ultimate Snake Eyes file card (next to Larry Hama’s cards). Plus, I wanted to bring the Arashikage techniques from GI Joe Resolute into the main line. I’m obsessed with Zen koans, so this one is real, as well as juxtaposition. I see the older Snake Eyes as more of a trickster and more open to humor as he walks the path toward enlightenment. He’s incredibly deadly, but can also be an amazing friend. He’s the best and worst of things all at once – learning how to be a better human on the warrior’s path. Obviously, I’m also super influenced by how Tom Scioli saw the Arishikage in Transformers vs. GI Joe.
Rook – If he’s the new Grunt, he should be mentored by the old Grunt.
Stockpile – Shh. He’s based on GI Trekker.
Back-Talk – His name is a mix of the creators of SK Omega (and plenty of GI Joes), Ron Rudat and Guy Cassady. I liked the idea of him being the Howard Stern of the battlefield.
Cobra Viper – Cobra is the opposite of a traditional army. Everyone is out for themselves, which is why they probably fail most of the time. That mindset is encouraged every step of the way.
Patch – The second SK Omega name tribute. There are plenty of Joe medics, but Patch is unlike any of them in that he can hurt as well as heal.
Big Boa – He’s now a sponsored athlete, plus he follows up on the Cobra way – beat everyone up, don’t make friends and make yourself the most important person in your world.
Foxtrot – The guys asked me to reference Flashpoint in her bio.
Mudflap – If Crankcase is Elwood G. Indiana and Mudflap is Jake G. Indiana, then are they the Indiana Brothers? And do they know all the words to Rawhide? Yes and yes.
Aleph – The translations of his name really taught me the personality. I like the idea that Night Creepers are all tech and no magic, which would appeal to Cobra more.
Tele-Vipers – I love that there can be humor on the file cards. And that Cobra doesn’t stop improving.
TARGAT – As part of the Scioli Transformers vs. GI Joe book, the myth and sorcery side of Destro took center stage. I wanted some of that to come through here.
Cosmo-Viper – No one wants to be an astronaut any more, because it’s really hard to become one. Unless you enlist in Cobra. But then you can never come back to Earth.
Strafe – If you’re a test pilot at Edwards AFB, you’re flying Area 51 stuff. Strafe has gone from the farm to outer space, thanks to being a Joe.
Offroad – Named for my brother-in-law, who is an Uber driver and often drove that highway.
Swift – I love that – like lucha libre and fraternities – the Joe team can have dynasty members. That’s why she’s Hit and Run’s daughter. Well, that and to make Justin from General’s Joes happy.
Crash Course – With a name like Aaron Abner, of course he’d be picked first. Thanks to Freeman Slavens, who served and explained to me how corrective actions work.
Chrysopelea – Named after a literal flying snake. I love how Hama’s file cards set up natural rivalries and I continued this here. Also his real name is a Bowie tribute – he’s Major Tom and R. Jones is from Bowie’s real name, David Robert Jones.
Dr. Mindbender – The real name comes from Renegades.
Cobra Commander – Why would anyone follow such a buffoon? Simple. The real story is so frightening, the governments of the world work day and night to cover up the horrible truth.