iwbeta wrote:
Can you show a close up of the head, I'm not sure but seems a little undersized.
Can do.
deadhead.jpg [ 385.84 KiB | Viewed 940 times ]
I have to touch up the paint on it. Apparently i didn't get my mix right this time and it bubbled/lifted. But it's actually a little bigger than the Wild Bill head that usually sits on that torso. I think my last pic of hm crouching put a sort of Kirby perspective on him.
Iron Will wrote:
Personally I would like to see you try a MU or Joe head because I think you could pull it off and that would put this custom over the top!! Didn't like this design for this character in the toon, but you made it look cool.
I'm considering this. Much as I like the Gotham Knights look, that full face mask look from JLU was pretty wicked, too. might have to give him an alternate head and post comparison pics when I'm done.
Meanwhile, here's what I did to the other bad guy from that Gotham Knights 3-pack to redeem the worthless Mattel articulation:
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I really just bashed a latter day articulated Infinite Heroes crotch onto him and then sculpted the upper legs to match some Wolverine:origins thighs, then painted it all black.
Finally, wanted to share one I've been working on for a long time who just happens to be another Arkham staffer gone bad:
harley.jpg [ 385.59 KiB | Viewed 940 times ]
Harley is a hybrid MU Black Widow/Spider Woman with an Invisible Woman head from the old Marvel Legends Showdown line. I adapted the head of an Assassin's Creed figure to make her hat, hollowed out some RoC Stormshadow hands for the cuffs and custom cut some white sheet vinyl for her collar.
Here she is with her guy:
harley2.jpg [ 502.1 KiB | Viewed 940 times ]
What do you guys think?