Macrossmaster wrote:
Vinyl dye is what they use to paint parts in cars (ie stuff that should never chip or fade). Go to AutoZone or O'Reillys and ask for "Vinyl Dye" - it looks just like spray paint except it says "Vinyl and Fabric Dye". It's spray paint with a special chemical added that breaks down the surface of the plastic just enough to allow the coloring agent to PERMANENTLY bond with whatever it's on.
At the end, it's not "painted" that color, it IS that color, because the plastic has been dyed, not just sprayed.
Yeah, I went to Auto Zone today and checked it out after watching those vids, it looks like really good stuff. I already have a ton of Krylon in my garage, so I wont be switching for this project. But if scratch building a new spine from styrene doesnt work I will pick some up in black to paint the original spine. On future projects I might try it out.
Tonight I got all the lines on the flight deck done and I started doing the base coat on a few deck pieces. I should be able to get some of them meshed over the weekend. I also found the decals I needed on ebay. I need to check what i have on hand, I might need some Python Patrol signias as well.
Finished the deck lines on the tail of the deck.
Masking the deck lines on the main deck piece.
All deck lines done. Next is masking them over for base color. i always let the paint cure for 24 hours before messing with it. So some parts wont get base coated until this weekend.
i was thinking about the silver portion of the python pattern for the flight deck. Ive learned from painting the Defiant getting the silver lines in the pattern on correctly and creatively is tricky on a larger vehicle. So I sketched out the FLAGG with different numbers of silver stripes to help visualize what looks right. So I can see how many is too many or too few. In the words of the great Coach Klein "Visualize and attack! Visualize and attack!!"
Another sketch of the mast and radars to get a look at the color patterns I want to use for the best look.
Masking over the numbers to prep for base coat.
Base coat done. Should get this piece meshed soon and then we can see how it all turned out.
More pics:
FLAGG WIP pictures by PViper - Photobucket