master wrote:
Awesome work to all. That batman is gonna be so stolen.
note to self, add lock to customs cabinet...
oh, you didn't mean literally? lol
Shakka85 wrote:
Wow, Doc! Those are some impressive Batman Universe characters! The Bruce Wayne is spectacular, as are the Commish, Alfred, Night-Wing, Batgirl, and both Catwoman versions! I also like the Robin and the Joker, but would like to see a headsculpt that looks similar for both Robin and his alter-ego, and the Joker is a bit... thick? Maybe it's just his head looks big... Anyway, nice work all around!
Thanks Todd, much appreciated. I have a few different Robins going on in there, so I'm not sure which ones you mean. There is a Nightwing, an unmasked suited Dick Greyson, and an unmaksed leather coat wearing Dick from his younger days as Robin - and they all have the dame head, believe it or not. Masked is a modded Winter Soldier, and unmasked is a modded Winter Soldier, with the mask carved away.
If you mean that masked and unmasked don't match perfectly, I do agree a bit. The facial structure on the unmasked version is a little wonky from my mods.
Now, I also have a single Tim Drake Robin in there. And he too will be getting an unmasked head. and it will be the same as masked, with the mask carved down. so the end result will have him looking similar, but at the risk of some wonky features, depending on well I get the mask sanded down.
You aren't the first to comment on Joker. I think the head is a risky choice, and is the main thing making him look beefy. (It's just a 25A Duke torso under the coat). I may still re-visit him.
Thanks again for the comments!
Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.