I went back at Metallo specifically to address the size of the Kryptonite chunk that Mysty mentioned, but while I was working on him I ended up doing a lot more:
metallo.jpg [ 531.14 KiB | Viewed 706 times ]
First I focused on the power source. I cut the chunk of Kryptonite I was using into a few pieces and found a bit of techno kibble that I was able to modify into a Kryptonite cell battery. You can see it closer here:
metallo2.jpg [ 825.42 KiB | Viewed 706 times ]
Then I went back at the legs. In my first iteration, I sacrificed human proportions for extra height, but I wasn't really happy with how those legs looked. Fortunately I had an extra set that I was able to lengthen while adding swivel ankle articulation. Now he's just a skooch taller than Supes, which still works for me:
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Next thing I modded was his arms. I swapped the very spindly originals for some B.A.T. lowers, which gave him a stronger looking upper body and the ability to utilize modular weaponry:
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The arms are now removable, so I can simulate battle damage, and so is the Kryptonite battery (for the inevitable moment when Batman figures out how to save Supes' bacon):
metallo5.jpg [ 437.24 KiB | Viewed 706 times ]
So what do you think? Improvements?