There is a new poll attached to this thread. I have absolutely no idea what to call this ship. Cant really call it the Python Flagg. I have a list of names I came up with, some are better than others, some are in there for filler. Read the descriptions below of the name origins and the poll is attached now so pick up to two names and discuss why you like them. If none of the options appeal to you and you have one choose OTHER and let us know what it is and why.
Python Taipan - Taipans are native to Australia, a certain type is thought to be one of the most poisonous snakes in the world.
Python Fer-De-Lance - Costa Rica is thought to be the snake capital of the world and the Fer-De-Lance is the most dangerous and poisonous snake in the country. Fer-De-Lance is also French for 'Spearhead' or 'Iron of the Lance'. Sounds pretty cool too, too bad its French.
Python Anaconda - The Anaconda is the largest snake in the world so it seems like a likely choice. But it doesnt exactly roll off the tongue, the word is a little long - Py-thon An-a-cond-a. Lots of syllables and Anaconda has been used before in Gijoe so it isnt that original, I wanted to check other options.
Python Sea Dragon - Sounds kind of cool, maybe, maybe kiddish. Maybe a filler option, I dunno.
Python Sea Serpent - Pretty cool name maybe, Im not too thrilled with it even though it would be suitable.
Python Armada - Armada of course means 'large fleet of ships' or 'navy' and is also associated with powerful weapons or forces to be reckoned with so it would be fitting with this floating arsenal of naval and aerial firepower.
Python Vengeance - Sounds cool and seems like a name Cobra Commander would pick for his flagship.
Python Tyranny - See above description.
Python Rip Tide - Seems appropriate, but there may be cooler names out there.
Python Kraken - Kraken is of course the mythical sea monster that can be called upon to destroy one's enemies. Seems very fitting for this ship, I sense a strong contender.
Python Cthulhu - According to Wikipedia - Cthulhu is the high priest to the Great Old Ones. It also is one of the central figures of the Lovecraft Mythos. It is often cited for the extreme descriptions given of its hideous appearance, its gargantuan size, and the abject terror that it evokes. Sounds awesome, another contender, too bad no one will be able to pronounce it.
Python Man-O-War - Man-O-Wars were awesome warships back in the 16th - 19th century, they carried over 120 cannons a piece. They sounded pretty formidable. Today we are probably more familiar with the jelly fish type creature with a dangerous and sometimes lethal sting, tentacles up to 50 meters long. It isnt one organism but a varitey of organisms that cohabit-ate as one and rely on each other, much like a carrier and its aerial arsenal. Downside to this name, Hasbro used it on a dinky sub back in 2002 and also these guys: - Got a good one? I am taking suggestions.
I will check out the results and probably pick from the top two or three options. Maybe do a re-vote with just the favorites.