Gaigaan-Dnok wrote:
Love it!
The paint job and decal work are flawlessly executed, but for me the tech section in the back steals the show.
I really wish we had Big Lots around here.
Thanks man. I definitely could tell my spray painting was improving on this one. And yeah, I just went back and snagged the last 8 wheeler at my Big Lots tonight. (See below for reasons why...)
sgartz wrote:
Oh my god, do I love those AT vehicles! The Trouble Shooter is even cooler than the traditional version, although both look great. I just set one of those radar dishes aside for a similar use, so it's great to see that it looks good in that application. Between these and the figures in those shots, you're turning out some of the best AT stuff I've seen...and considering that this is becoming the Silver Age of AT customizing, that's saying something.
thanks man. that is saying something, and I appreciate it
Redmao wrote:
Fantastic Trouble Shooter.
Now you need a polar version like they made in Europe for Group Action Joe and Action Man.
You have my attention...
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
I've been thinking of doing something similar but making it modular so I can swap out different "mission packs" as needed.
Like this?
Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.
Mysterious Stranger wrote:
You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.