roguetiger wrote:I agree with Spect I see NOTHING done that you customized it. No new guns, no modding done to the vehicle. So all you've done is added a few green lines and called it a custom? Thats a repaint, if that. It does look cool but customizing to me is totally changing the look of it in some way or another OTHER than just adding a few paiint marks here and there. Now if you had totally painted the whole thing a different color and/or changed some of the weapons, or added some Joe or Cobra stickers then I'd consider it a custom. Just my opinion on it though.
You're splitting semantic hairs, man. *Any* alteration to a product to make it individualized is customizing. That's the definition of the very word, RT. There's obviously a scale of customization degree; but you arbitrarily starting your scale at '2' doesn't mean that '1' isn't also on the empirical scale of 'modifying from as-manufactured'.
Anyway, for a very first custom, I can't find any significant faults with the vehicle that would set you up for bad practices on future customs. Agreed the green is *really* bright and something the majority of fandom shies away from; but if it's what makes you happy then go for it.
Also, next time put this in the Critiques forum since you're specifically asking for opinions of a finished item and not how-tos on something you're in-progress on or gonna start.