Actually pluv, if you've seen Hard Target, the movie he's from, the chambray shirt and faded jeans are what he does his most ass kicking in. They are almost the same color.
The waist was the best I could find, considering the original waist was quite unusable with all the leather pockets and such. As for the snug fit, in Hard Target, which is playing now on Encore, that's kind of V.D.'s signature also, showing off the ass kicking legs.
It was either the blue ensemble, or the black and white flannel shirt with the tan pants. I made his black trench coat with the rolled up sleeves, but preferred to debut in the clothes he is most seen in.
Also, if I was at all adept at the arm switch, I'd find a left arm with a watch instead of his right arm. He (in the movie) sports a watch with an additional compass on his left arm. I could probably fashion the watch from other stuff, but it's on my list of TTD(things to do). Mossberg shotgun first, then the watch
Okay, watching the movie more, might can do the black shirt with the white tank underneath, and the tan pants.
Sometimes, the mad are driven that way. Some Stuff.