Sigma 6 Snowjob
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Author:  MUNDO [ Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Sigma 6 Snowjob




Something I've been brainstorming for a while. Instead of going with a Shipwreck head, I went with Gung Ho because his huge chin and flat top allowed me to carve the beard and new hairdo. I used pin files to do the grooves in both so the hair would match the Sigma 6 style. The hood was made from the snowboardin' Snake Eyes hood and a pipe cleaner. The bottom of his parka was cut from a $.75 Wal-Mart sun visor found in the craft section. I chose that because I felt it would blend better with the plastic torso. The gun is from Lt. Stone. I just chopped off the tip of one of the projectiles to make it look like a gun barrel. I also added an elastic strap to carry the gun on his shoulder.

Author:  JBYRDD [ Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sigma 6 Snowjob

Nice, i like him, i'm not into Sigmas, but your Snow Job custom is great, again nice work and great use of parts.

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