Batman of the Ruined Earth
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Author:  gijoey [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Batman of the Ruined Earth

Where he he came from is unclear. Some say he was born when the old world died and the new one began. Some say he was born into slavery and was tempered in the fire of the hell forges.Where ever he comes from we are grateful.
His voice like gravel beckons to us it pulls at us it calls us from our misery. It teaches us of the time before, when the Dark Knight fought the Laughing man and the Riddle maker, the Plant Master and the Bane. He shows us how to defend ourselves, how to fight the things that haunt the night. He urges us to rise up against the Slave Masters and Demons.
We would follow him in to hell and he would see us safely through. We are the Sons and Daughters of the Bat and he is our Leader and Father he is the Batman.
Batman Ruined Earth 3.JPG
Batman Ruined Earth 3.JPG [ 44.27 KiB | Viewed 1336 times ]
Batman Ruined Earth 2.JPG
Batman Ruined Earth 2.JPG [ 64.36 KiB | Viewed 1336 times ]
Batman Ruined Earth 1.JPG
Batman Ruined Earth 1.JPG [ 47.63 KiB | Viewed 1336 times ]

I still want to arm him a little better than just a pistol, but I haven't found the right weapons yet.

Author:  gijoey [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

One more pic.

My daughter wrote that little back story.
Me I just wanted him to be a Biker Batman. leader of the Dark Knights and foe of the Jokers.
But I got over ruled.

Batman Ruined Earth 4.JPG
Batman Ruined Earth 4.JPG [ 43.93 KiB | Viewed 1332 times ]

Author:  unknownsoldier13 [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

Looks great . Though i'm getting more of a Nightwing vibe.Did that head come from the Wildcats pvc set from a few years back? Or is it from something else. Cause it looks like Grifter. Great work cant wait to see your next version of Batman.

Author:  Taliesin Crow [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

I have to agree with theunknown and say that for some reason I too get a Nightwing vibe from him. Maybe it's the symbol on the face. But it is still one very cool figure. Nice concept and I love the paint job on the jacket.

Author:  Asphalt [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

Very soulrever, nice custom and I like your girl's bio.

Author:  SNAKE [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

It looks like a solider force villain head. Great custom, the back story is really what pulls this one in and makes it work. Great job.

Author:  theunknown [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

gijoey wrote:
Where he he came from is unclear. Some say he was born when the old world died and the new one began. Some say he was born into slavery and was tempered in the fire of the hell forges.Where ever he comes from we are grateful.
His voice like gravel beckons to us it pulls at us it calls us from our misery. It teaches us of the time before, when the Dark Knight fought the Laughing man and the Riddle maker, the Plant Master and the Bane. He shows us how to defend ourselves, how to fight the things that haunt the night. He urges us to rise up against the Slave Masters and Demons.
We would follow him in to hell and he would see us safely through. We are the Sons and Daughters of the Bat and he is our Leader and Father he is the Batman.

gijoey wrote:
My daughter wrote that little back story.
Me I just wanted him to be a Biker Batman. leader of the Dark Knights and foe of the Jokers.
But I got over ruled.

Good call! (sorry Joey.... :twisted: )
Love that story! Go Girl!

Author:  Sharkbait [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

This kind of reminds me of the Terry Brooks books - Genesis of Shanara.

Good custom too. :)

Author:  Keenan [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

I can dig it. I love the paint aps.

Author:  gijoey [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

Thanks Guys
It is a Wildcats Grifter head.
My daughters think it looks like a Nightwing too.
I went with the bat on the mask cause he needed a mask and it was the only way I could think to show he was Batman without making some kind of ears sticking up.

Mikalina says thanks for the compliments on the back story.

Author:  JBYRDD [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

Pretty cool concept character, nice work on everything Joe.

Author:  drbindy [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

First Joe, know that I need to comment on the story (even though it was not your original intent), as the stories are where I really perk up. And this one is awesome. At first, I was like wait - the guy who yanks my chain for all the blah blah just posted a story? Then, the story was kickass? Very exciting. And the excitement remained, even after reading further that it was your daughter's and not your own. lol. Pass along that I am impressed. It is unique and original, while at the same time evoking images of John Conner/Terminator & Roland of Gilead, and you can't go wrong there at all.

The figure is very cool. I see a lot of the pieces we talked about in him, and I still see that this incarnation ended up different enough from your original concept that the next figure I expect to see is still the other version.

The vest worked out perfect here, and really does help sell the connection with the great story. It all blends together really well, mask included. I'd be personally tempted to make an unmasked version as well, as I envision this Batman being especially grotesque looking as the reasoning for the disguise. I'm also curious what kind of gadgets you'd envision this version having. Certainly, not as sophisticated as a normal world Bruce Wayne, I assume, but I think having some sort of gadgetry that sets him apart from the others is a key to being Batman.

You've certainly taken this concept much further than anyone I think could have anticipated, and any of these angles would make fine Elseworlds in the DC universe. I hope someday to have a write-up from you connecting the dots...

Author:  pluv [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

I too see this more as Nightwing that Bats. Teh mask really doens't say Batman to me. I think witha different head it could say batman. Maybe a helmet or one of the duster masks with the skeleton on it would have worked better. I don't mean an actual skelton on your custom but one of the styled masks I often see guys on choppers wearing. I think looking up some actual biker gang guys might give you a better idea for a Batman head.

The painting on the vest phenominal though. I really like the glove design as well.

Author:  gijoey [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

Thanks guys.
The story really is better than the custom. She stole ideas from the look of the figure,Conan, john Conner, Mad Max- Road warrior and the character Humungus ( only good not bad).

Since the custom is not a Bruce Wayne but a man who some how stumbled on the ruins of the Bat cave and took on the identity. His face is ruined thus the mask.
Pluv it is supposed to be a dust mask like the skull ones but the only symbol that I thought work was this. I guess it just didn't work like I thought it would.

Author:  Chief [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Batman of the Ruined Earth

VERY cool! -- I, too, am getting more of a Nightwing vibe off of him - or maybe even a Terry McGuinness, but he still rocks as Batman too.

The only thing I'm not really feeling is the flames on the jacket - doesn't feel very Batman-y to me. Maybe if they were blue or something other than a bright color, they'd grow on me. Still - the parts and the detail work are perfect -- and kudos to the kiddo for the backstory - great job on that especially. Love the way the mask turned out :D

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