New Mask for Bat Man - 25A EXCAL - 4/27/09 UPDATE p.2
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Author:  drbindy [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  New Mask for Bat Man - 25A EXCAL - 4/27/09 UPDATE p.2

voicemail recording:Hello, Bruce? It’s Ollie. Say, I just got my hands on this month’s Sword in Stone… You’re not going to be pleased. That Parker kid they have writing for them, either he’s a lot sharper than I gave him credit for, or this was just a bad coincidence. I’ve talked to Col. Jameson, and he assured me that these were two different assignments, not any kind of cohesive story. Still…


In stark contrast to the omnipresent glow Bruce Wayne casts upon the entire EXCAL organization, there is a lesser known and talked about figure, typically shielded by shadow, whose actions have more directly propelled EXCAL’s special missions teams to become the most feared combatants in the world. That shadowy figure, the man actually responsible for the term “Shadow Knight” becoming an actual designation within EXCAL’s Paladin Knight Program, is none other than the Bat Man. Bat Man (or Batman, as some have written) was thought to be something of a myth or legend, in his days (nights, really) of fighting crime on the dingy streets of the Gotham that is New York City. But his presence, and his success were all too real. Earning the moniker of The Dark Knight, Bat Man’s vigilante dealings were viewed with a blind eye by the city, and for the first time in decades, New York began to reclaim itself from the criminal underworld which had been running rampant and unchecked for far too long.

After several years of fighting – and winning – this battle for the city streets, and with his apparent mission nearly complete, Bat Man seemed destined to go the way of all such myths and legends, and become a distant memory. Then all hell broke loose. War, actually, but then war is hell, is it not? It was a global war to be precise. First, the free world suffered defeat in the Cobra Wars, then shortly thereafter the unified terror network now known as MEDUSA was born. With the revelations that this war was being brought to the world by something barely more than a union of criminals, the justice-seeking Dark Knight viewed there to be little choice but to join the fight for world freedom. Bat Man essentially founded EXCAL’s Paladin Knight Program, along with a fellow vigilante then known as the Green Arrow. These two men became the first ever to be “knighted” under EXCAL’s international treaties, which entitle any Paladin Knight license to operate legally, and in full capacity, across the globe. In appreciation of being so knighted, the Green Arrow dedicated his life’s mission to the program, and during the ceremony revealed his true identity as Oliver Queen to the world. Today, Queen is the director of the PKP, but Bat Man remains its star. Given the enemies created by Bat Man during his “Gotham” days, Bat Man had no choice but to maintain the secrecy of his identity, a choice that has only added to his mystique, and also quickly garnered the Shadow Knight designation. Since Bat Man’s choice was made, several other Paladin Knights have similarly chosen the masked, shadow knight designation, though most now operate in the open, given that very few have Bat Man’s jaded history, which would require such continued prudence.

Bat Man continues to take his fight to the worst the world has to offer. He typically continues to operate alone, though he has been assigned various helpers, who may or may not rise to the ranks of Paladin Knight. Bat Man has personally selected and trained many of the Knights now operating within the program, so his influence is strong in both direct and indirect manners. The PKP has been formed in many ways around Bat Man’s ideals, and around his quest for justice. Queen’s presence as an investor, as well as director of the Knights might be greater on paper, but it is the Bat Man who truly leads this band of freedom-fighting brothers. However, there is no doubt that together Bat Man and Oliver Queen have combined to shape a league of justice the likes of which the world has never known.

Full pics below

Author:  drbindy [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL

If the front page story is too hard to read in that format, let me know and I'll post text only. I have several different variations of this character in figure form. First is just a simple civilian looking Bruce Wayne, nothing really fancy. I will say, the civilian version is the fastest custom I've made that wasn't an LBC - decided on parts at 9pm, took pictures by midnight. I acted fast, in contrast to Bats, who has been on my desk for a year now.

I made what was for me an unexpected choice for the head – a clone trooper – hopefully painted to look much more like Wayne than Jango Fett! Anyway, given the number of those heads I had laying around unused, it was actually fun to be able to make multiples cheaply, and not have to rely on a head swap.

Bruce Wayne Parts:
Head: Clone Trooper
Torso: CP Shipwreck
Coat and arms: Henry Jones
Upper Legs: Serpentor
Lower Legs: WO: Movie Deadpool


This also helped with the masked version of Bat Man, as I was able to use one of the SW figs (can’t remember if it was a clone or a Jango fig), that had a hood or headwrap on under his helmet. This serves as a part of the mask and cowl, when I add the mask I built from scratch with apoxy, elastic, and vinyl. I really wanted a removable mask, and while this one is a bit rough looking, I think it is menacing at the same time.

The Bat Man figure is one base figure, but I have an unmasked head and the cowl/removable mask head for it, and I have 2 sets of armor as well. The black armor has no bat logo, and looks like it might have been scratch built by Bats, at the outset of his EXCAL career. Clearly, Bruce Wayne was concerned that he might be linked to Bat Man at some point in time, and he went to great lengths to make sure that Bat Man did not visibly wear Wayne Ent. technology (actually, he was loaded with that technology, but his outward appearance was much rougher looking than anything the company sold).

Shadow Bat Man:
Masked Head: Hooded clone trooper and scratch built mask
Unmasked: Different Clone Trooper hd
Torso and Legs: Firefly
Arms: Serpentor
Zipline on belt: customized with a Jango Fett base
gauntlets: Serpentor, with pieces from TDK figure
Armor: CP Firefly vest, TDK shoulder pads; vinyl strap; TDK cape


Since EXCAL has now fully incorporated the weapons design capabilities of Wayne Enterprises, Bat Man may now more freely use those items, which explains the more high tech armor he now often employs. This armor also fits much more closely with the EXCAL theme, and Wayne is fond of wearing it when the Paladin Knights meet in person (Wayne’s identity is known to all full Paladin Knights). In combat, Wayne has taken to wearing the old armor for night ops, and the new armor for more open combat scenarios.

He has a full array of typical Bat gear, but given the nature of this war, he is also fully armed, and is no longer bound by his preferred means of crime-fighting from his Gotham days The zip line on his belt is functional, the “batarang” seen in some of the pics is just a piece of packaging tie-downs, that I thought was too cool not to use. The shiny part of the first cape is vinyl, the cloth parts of both capes come from Dark Knight figs, and the bat symbol is a waterslide decal.

Parade Armor Batman:
Armor: Wraith
Symbol: custom decal
cape: TDK


Author:  Gaigaan-Dnok [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

Very cool figures, and once again, your bio to go with the figure completes the sale, in prime fashion!

Author:  pluv [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

The mask looks like it sits a little high. It is hard to make out any details on because it is black. I wouldn't change that I'm just letting you know we can't see any of the sculpting you did. The clone head works fort Wayne and Batman. I probably would have painted the sports coat a darker color for Bruce. It isn't very often you see CEO types sporting the khaki tweed.

Now you have to figure out how to incorporate the big blue boy scout. :D

Author:  drbindy [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

Thanks Andrew, and thanks pluv.

I'm glad the clone trooper head comes out ok for Wayne. I was originally using the TDK Wayne head, but it was just too small. Maybe it's just me, but once painted, this did not scream Clone Trooper to me, and I felt like it gave the character a bit of personality. It's not Bale's Batman. More like a cross of the previous three, Keaton, Kilmer, and (gasp) Clooney, appearance wise.

pluv - agreed on the coat. I knew I wouldn't have a chance for another week to take any new pics, so I really busted tail to get the civilian Wayne completed last night. I might still go with a greyish sport coat maybe. Clearly, this isn't black tie Bruce, or even day at the office Bruce. I may go that route if I ever am lucky enough to snag a TriGate torso before they sell out. But since the EXCAL op is not quite the same as his Gotham day job, I'm ok if Mr. Wayne sometimes shows up as business casual. lol. I was pleased with how the legs turned out though. The shoes on the Movie Deadpool figure suck, but I hoped to hide that with the paint. But I was please with the figure looking a little beefier than some custom civvies, to better match the bat figure.

I also agree with you on the mask. I'm using it mainly because I made it, and because GIJoey encouraged me to. But I was torn late in the game on whether to just use a TDK head-swap instead.

Here is what the sculpted part looks like (as modeled by the earlier version): The top and the ears are folded over black vinyl that I glued to the sculpted piece. It is rough, but in some ways not necessarily a bad thing. I'm still susceptible to being swayed toward the TDK head. Honestly, this mask and cowl were the single biggest hold up for me with this figure, for a long time now.

P1020705.JPG [ 37.76 KiB | Viewed 754 times ]

Author:  xhairs [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

just to cool.

Author:  nova [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

I like it...for the most part.

The clone head is a solid choice...once you've painted over the "natural" skin tone of the clones it really helps make the head it's own only concern would be the lack of defined hair...most of the clones have a fairly tight cropped hair style that might not show up all that well with just paint applications.

I think the Civvy version is fine...a darker coat just wouldnt' look right with the diving v neck on that shippy torso.

I think I prefer the "up-armored" version of Bats...that Wraith armor is really pretty cool and works for batman...I've seen people thin it out near the neck and shoulders...and that might be worth thinking about to keep Batman agile while still armored....The other Batman body just keeps making me think of the psuedo-batmen from the Dark know the batman in catchers' gear.

Sorry to say it...but I think the Cowel needs to go back to formula. I'm pickier than most when it comes to using real the elastic strap is just too big to work in this scale. and if it's not sitting just looks akward. If you're ok with just making a 2nd head swap that would work...or even sculpt a DK-esk cowel on a Clone head. If you're feeling ambitious I think it's Asphault who's been doing some neat stuff with Teflon plumbers tape and greenstuff.

Author:  Redmao [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

Man, I really like how you incorporate all those characters into a single universe.
Great story telling and great figures.

Keep it up!

Author:  drbindy [ Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

Thanks for the comments guys, and thanks for reading the long bio.

Nova - I'm glad to hear of the parts you do like, and trust me there's no need to apologize over the mask/cowl critique, as I share it with you. I agonized over that part for a long time. Let me ask this - if the elastic were replaced, would it matter? I have a hunch not. In fairness, this mask was one of the first things I ever sculpted. I think you are right, that using Asphalt's trick, I might have better luck now. But a DK head swap doesn't look too shabby either.

I know what you are saying about the hairline/hairstyle, but in person it looks like it fits much better. The brown in place of the black makes it look less inherently curly, as it does on the clone.

As for the feeling you get with the lower level armor, I'm not turned off by that take at all. My spin is that he was trying to make it look slapped togather to distance the batman identity from his own. Only now, as an EXCAL Knight, is he going more upscale. Also, I like the more militarized look as a swappable outfit for him.

But now I just need to decide on the mask and cowl.

Thanks for the ideas.

Author:  HypnoHustler [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

I like both takes on Batman, but agree with pluv on Bruce's colors. He looks like, I dunno, "Weekend Bruce" not CEO Bruce. Not bad though. I do have to agree on the cowl though. It just isn't working. I like that you decided to take it in a different direction, and the Clone head is a great base, but in practice the Zorro style mask isn't working for me. Now, you could go with the Mattel Dark Knight Batman head, and it'd probably look great, but I like what you have as a base here, and I dig the more militaristic style. As such, I think you'd do well to track down a Legacy Collection sandstorm Luke Skywalker ( ) and add some "bat-ears" to the strap of those goggles. I think it'd give you a more unique take on Batman and fit in with your look and story for the character. They're all solid customs though, and while I personally don't want Batman in my Joe-verse, your backstory and work is great.

Author:  drbindy [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

HypnoHustler wrote:
I like both takes on Batman, but agree with pluv on Bruce's colors. He looks like, I dunno, "Weekend Bruce" not CEO Bruce. Not bad though. I do have to agree on the cowl though. It just isn't working. I like that you decided to take it in a different direction, and the Clone head is a great base, but in practice the Zorro style mask isn't working for me. Now, you could go with the Mattel Dark Knight Batman head, and it'd probably look great, but I like what you have as a base here, and I dig the more militaristic style. As such, I think you'd do well to track down a Legacy Collection sandstorm Luke Skywalker ( ) and add some "bat-ears" to the strap of those goggles. I think it'd give you a more unique take on Batman and fit in with your look and story for the character. They're all solid customs though, and while I personally don't want Batman in my Joe-verse, your backstory and work is great.

I do have one of those goggles, but I used it on my Steel Rain custom, and really like the look of them on her. If I can get another of those figures cheap enough, I do like this idea. I agree there is much appeal to being able to use the base clone head I used here. That was part of the motivation for making my own cowl to begin with. The DK head looks good on the figure, but is pretty distinctively a DK head. I'm going back to the drawing board with the mask set-up, and will post an update if I can make an improvement.

Again, thanks for the input.

Author:  Keenan [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

No critiques from me. Very imaginative and a great set of figures. I wish we'd see something like this at retail.

Author:  gijoey [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

I liked it as wip and like it even more finished.
I like the mask as is and the armor works good too.

I know we talked about the plumbers tape method before asphalt posted his thread.
Like I said then the mask works.
Yeah it's a little bulky but that works for me. He's not a superhero and should not look like one

Author:  Tanstoys [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

good job on both of them dennis, yeah I ain't no fan of fabric but it looks alright and it does look good with the writh armor.Bruce and Bats using the clone head is a good idea too and he is a good choice to add to your team of cool heroes

Author:  Chief [ Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bruce Wayne, the Bat Man 25A EXCAL - Pic HEAVY!

I'm diggin' both of them - we talked about Bruce in the bat-suit already, and I'm LOVIN' the armor piece with the bat-symbol :D

Civilian Bruce is great - and I'll probably use the recipe for some of my guys. The low-cut Shipwreck shirt just looks out of place for Bruce, IMO - unless you're going for the "frivolous playboy" look, then I suppose it works just fine. I know that the Shippy torso is one of the thinnest, so it works better with the Henry jacket, but it just looks a little off with him baring so much chest.

And I really like the idea of using Clone heads for Bruce - I've got a bunch of them and use them for a lot of customs, but now I'm going to lighten up the skin and try using one for my Bats.

Great stuff, Dennis!

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