Lt. Gorky V2
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Author:  Stormavik [ Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Lt. Gorky V2

Again an older custom, but one with images that were so old on JC, I had to get some new ones out there. Also the one shown on JC is not the one that I currently have.

Lt. Gorky was an extremely simple custom to make, there were only a couple of things that I wanted to accomplish, keep him young looking and keep his beret. Lt. Gorky was one of the later characters to join the Oktober Guard and as such was not fully developed in the G.I. JOE comic series from Marvel. I wanted to add him to my Oktober Guard because his character has a lot of potential. I do plan to go back and make another version of Lt. Gorky, this time I think he will have more gear, but I think I will keep him in his black uniform and beret. I am thinking about giving him a sub-machine gun over the shotgun, but my mind is not completely made up.

So what do you all think.

ltgorky_custom_accs.JPG [ 39.43 KiB | Viewed 196 times ]
ltgorky_custom_front_accs.JPG [ 79.2 KiB | Viewed 196 times ]

Author:  past nastification [ Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lt. Gorky V2

Sleek, simple, and clean.

This is the only Hawk/Steeler/Flash/Short Fuse head that I've ever seen modified with a beret, too. Always a nice touch.

Author:  Lance Sputnik [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lt. Gorky V2

While the figure is pretty basic, and that's not at all a bad thing, what blows me away here is that gun. I see parts of at least 3 different guns, seamlessly fused into one. That is some great work, man.

Author:  Tim 121RVC [ Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lt. Gorky V2

I agree with Lance, an amazing gun!

Tim 121RVC

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