The Hit & Run was good, but not good enough for me, H&R is one of my favorite characters.
The helmet, head, and torso were fine, but I swapped out the Hawk forearms for Duke's to give him the rolled up sleeves. The legs are from RoC Hawk, to give him the lower boots and so he has a pocket on both hips, I hate that some figures only have the one pocket on one hip.
I painted the entire figure in Olive Drab, then mixed the skin tone. I kept the web gear and added the grenades to the upper harness. The duffel is from Spy Troops Zartan. His hair is a dark borwn, but it looks black in the pictures. The rifle is from the DEF Shockwave. It looks similar to the 9mm M4 H&R originally had, but more proportionate.
The Airborne harness has a repelling clip on it, like the original H&R had.