Captain Scarlet Action Figures Wave 3 of 4
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Author:  Kambei [ Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Captain Scarlet Action Figures Wave 3 of 4

This wave is the last of the regular cast, plus a variant Security Guard:

Wave 3:


Captain Black:


Captain Grey:


(I will explain the item in his left hand at the end of the thread :wink:

Captain Magenta:


You have no idea how long it took to get that shade of paint how I wanted it :lol: :cry: :cry:

Captain Ochre:


Doctor Fawn:


I deliberately left the holster off this figure. Fawn would be considered a non-combatant under the Geneva Convention, and I am assuming whatever equivalent exists in 2068. I also did an alternate head with a Spectrum issue cap:


Spectrum Security:


It was always my intention to do two Spectrum Security figures. I may still do a couple more and try to do a dio-story.

Mk II Mysteron Detector:



I upgraded the pistol to an advanced model Heckler & Koch SOCOM pistol and gave Scarlet and Blue an advanced model Taser. The detector was next. I got the idea for the basic look from an episode of Mythbusters where thay were using a handheld thermal imaging camera. I Frankensteined three different accessories together and made a mold and cast the result in resin.

Author:  JBYRDD [ Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Captain Scarlet Action Figures Wave 3 of 4

WOW ! You are knocking these out fast, nice job Kambei.

Author:  Kambei [ Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Captain Scarlet Action Figures Wave 3 of 4

JBYRDD wrote:
WOW ! You are knocking these out fast, nice job Kambei.

Thanks, but the whole set of 31 figures is actually the culmination of three months worth of customising. There are still 9 finished figures to showcase next week.

One thing I should explain here. When the Mysterons want to carry out a mission, they kill someone related to that mission and replicate the. The replicant can recover from most injuries, but can be killed instantly by electricity. They are also impervious to x-rays. If an x-ray is taken of a Mysteron replicant, it will show up as a normal photograph. That was how the detector was developed. My version is far less bulky than teh one on teh show.

Author:  DarkWynter [ Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Captain Scarlet Action Figures Wave 3 of 4

Hehe, fun stuff.

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