Rebel Pilot At Rest And Teenaged Tusken Raider
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Author:  The Spectre [ Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Rebel Pilot At Rest And Teenaged Tusken Raider

2 new ones from me today.

First up is a Rebel Pilot that is either prepping for a mission or just returned from a mission. Nothing fancy, just a little something to add some variety to my Rebels.





Head- ROTS Mustafar Anakin Skywalker (non-crispy)
Body- 30thAC Heir To The Empire Comic Pack Luke Skywalker (modded)
Belt pouch- ROTS Obi Wan Kenobi (TRU Starfighter pack-in)
Identitag- VOTC Yoda (modded)
Travel bag- Star Trek: TNG (Playmates) w/Chap Mei strap

Notes: I had to repaint the entire lower half of this figure as Hasbro used a nasty almost neon orange paint for the rolled up portion of his flight suit around his waist and regular orange for the legs. I could not get the upper part to mach the lower at all after 5 attampts so i just ended up painting the legs as well.

Next up is a teenaged Tusken Raider I made to add some diversity to my Tusken clan.





Head- POTF2 Tusken Raider
Body/weapon- 30thAC Comic Pack A'sharad Hett
Belt- several pouched from a 2000 A.D. Psi Judge Anderson
Filter- custom

I'm not a fan of the Hett character so I figured I'd use his figure to make a unique Tusken Raider out of him. The figure's small stature lends itself to being used as a teen.

Author:  DarkJedi [ Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebel Pilot At Rest And Teenaged Tusken Raider

Very interesting take on an off-duty Pilot. I've wanted to do several of these based on the novels and the comic book series.

As for the Tusken, he looks like he could fit right in.

So, when are you submitting your portfolio to Hasbro?

Author:  Lev [ Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebel Pilot At Rest And Teenaged Tusken Raider

Someone's been buying comic packs ;)

Nice. I like that Luke body but hated how small the head was, nice idea on just making a random rebel pilot.

Author:  The Spectre [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rebel Pilot At Rest And Teenaged Tusken Raider

DarkJedi wrote:
Very interesting take on an off-duty Pilot. I've wanted to do several of these based on the novels and the comic book series.

Thanks, for a couple of months I was trying to come up with something like this using the Luke from the TRU X-Wing but couldn't figure out how to do the rolled up part of the flight suit without sculpting (my sculpting skills are not the best :( ). The Comic Pack figure saved me alot of time and effore :)

As for the Tusken, he looks like he could fit right in.[/quote]

Thanks, just looking at the outfit, even in the comics, I felt that it was much more at home with the Tuskens than in the Jedi ranks so it was a no brainer. I decided to give him a belt full of pouches instead of the traditional chest bandolier(s) just to add some variety to my Tusken tribe.

So, when are you submitting your portfolio to Hasbro?[/quote]

Believe it or not, they didn't want me as I do not have a degree :(

Levantine wrote:
Someone's been buying comic packs ;)

Yeah, I only wanted 1 figure as-is out of each of them so I found something to do with the other 3. Just wait until you see what I'm doing with that "Infinities" Vader...... :shifty:

Levantine wrote:
Nice. I like that Luke body but hated how small the head was, nice idea on just making a random rebel pilot.

Yeah, Luke's got a little head for some reason in this particular release :rotfl:

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