Some simple Revisions to prior EXCAL posts - UPDATE 10/20
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Author:  drbindy [ Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Some simple Revisions to prior EXCAL posts - UPDATE 10/20

We all have a sickness when it comes to this hobby. Some of us have several... One of my own is that I never stop tinkering with my customs until I get them to a point where I can only do harm if I keep at it...then I move on to v.2 of the character. lol. Here are some samplings of small updates to old figures, where the work is not deserving of a post for each separate fig. Some of these are mods I wanted to make, and some are just late-breaking follow up to great ideas posted in critiques. There is another round of these revisions yet to be made, and another round will be lining up on my desk shortly thereafter, I am sure.

First up, Captain Bill Batson:

and AFTER:

problems: not fond of the lower legs (AND they were perfect for another project, so a change made sense); the face paint was too shiny. This is the first and only time I have ever used my Tamiya flesh colored paint. It left a shine that persisted and came through despite 4 subsequent coats of the stuff I normally use. It made some sense given his transformation that he might have some hormonal sweating going on :roll: lol, but I think the complete face repaint helps.

Author:  drbindy [ Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some simple Revisions to prior EXCAL posts

Adventure Team Flint:



problems: the lower arms before looked good, but had limited range of motion, and honestly too much paint to be play-worthy. I went with arms that better fit this take on the character, and maintain complete playability. second, the webbing before looked good from the front, but the piecemeal style really looked off from the back, and overall. I'm not 100% sold on the new look yet either. I may tone down the silver armor, and that may do the trick. I can also cut off the flaps on the shoulders, but I thought they made for a decent homage to the orginal fig. I also upgraded the leg holster to one of Greyryder's great styrene pieces.

I would guess that some might not like the change to the vest.

Author:  drbindy [ Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some simple Revisions to prior EXCAL posts

Not fond of this revision, but only cause I rushed through it. The Bambino, Italian Hitman working for Cobra then later on MEDUSA. The resident Italian heritage influences suggested he needed a gold chain and chest hair. You ask, you get. Just didn't turn out that well:


next up Mason, personal assistant to Steel Rain.



Nothing was wrong with him before, but at Tim's suggestion, I think, I wanted to make him less of a Clutch headswap. So I changed legs and changed vests, then I gave him more realistic looking tats while I was at it.

Author:  Chief [ Wed Oct 14, 2009 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some simple Revisions to prior EXCAL posts


Love the repaint of the Marvel head -- now he looks like a total badass instead of some pouty-lipped wannabe ;)

I was a big fan of your original Flint, but the changes you've made really fit him well. Makes him... I don't know - Flinty-er?

Awesome work as always!

Author:  millsy [ Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some simple Revisions to prior EXCAL posts

You never cease to amaze me. Amazing updates.

Author:  Tanstoys [ Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some simple Revisions to prior EXCAL posts

great updates man, all look better eventhough the originals were good too, Mason looks a million times better and morecreative, Flint is much better too and the arms amde a great improvement and on Billy the new lower legs and face painting makes him a much better looking figure,
great job and i want to know how much you'd charge to make a figure for me?
thanks Tim :-D

Author:  drbindy [ Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some simple Revisions to prior EXCAL posts

Thanks fellas. So the silver armor is working ok for Flint then? I still prefer him without the beret too, but thought I'd throw that pick in there. I dremeled out a Marauder beret to get it to fit the Airborne head better.

Dan, you know on Capt. Marvel, I didn't even appreciate how big a difference the paint job was until after posting these pics. I knew I liked it better, but after reading your comment I realized you were dead on about what his look said before, vs. his bad-assery now.

Tim, PM me what you want made. I actually am still indebted to you for setting me up so well on our first trade, so know it won't be expensive, unless you want the figure made out of variant Wraith parts or the like... lol

Author:  drbindy [ Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some simple Revisions to prior EXCAL posts

Just going to keep using this thread to post some of my remaining revisions. This one wasn't a change on my part, just an equipment update, after getting a sling added to the Tri-Gate rifle by TR1ER. He even added the pouch on the sling. Very pleased with this as the final version of Arctic KH (oh, and I also gave him the clawed boots from City Strike SE)


Author:  drbindy [ Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some simple Revisions to prior EXCAL posts - UPDATE 10/20

A simple update to my old Mythbuster Jamie. I was never happy before with the legs I used - as they were too militaristic for me, even for an AT version of Jamie. I wanted him to be close to show accurate, but the only plain clothes pants available all made him taller than I wanted him to be. Then along came Tunnel Rat... Anyway, improved the paint job on the pants to also make them more realistic than before.



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