Some new MU customs/fixes.
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Author:  Chief [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Some new MU customs/fixes.

Ok, I'm burned out on DC customs for a while - time to start adding to my Marvel ranks.

Hasbro's Jean Grey was so close, but not close enough. The body sculpt was awesome (swivel-arm battle grip elbows!), but the pea-head and big shoulders just didn't work. At first, I thought she just needed a new head, but then I realized that the way the neckpost jutted forward was the main culprit in her hunchback appearance. So I went ahead and chopped off her neck and gave her a ROC Scarlett one that was repositioned to "sit" straight on her shoulders, rather than hunched over.


If only I could match the metallic blue a little better. Gonna have to re-paint the whole thing, I guess :-/

Then I figured it was time for a Rogue. I'm sure Hasbro will give us one eventually, but I've been wanting to make one for a long time, so...


I wanted to give her a jacket, but none of the cloth jackets fit right (no doubt due to Jean's hunchback), and sculpting one was going to be too big of a chore, so I went with a more spandex-y look instead out of laziness.



I built Gambit here a couple of months ago - the head was the only thing worth a crap from the W:O figure, so I slapped it on an extra ROC CC torso and added some ACE legs. A decent combo of movie and comic looks, I think. And since I could really give a crap about the character, he got more attention than he deserved from me, anyway :P

Cyke's just a repaint of the Secret Wars Comic Pack version.

So then there's the vision. That "LASER BLAST" Daredevil body just sucks all the way around. I can't believe they're still using the damn thing. Finally, it was too much to bear - I couldn't stand having Mini-Vizh, so I went ahead and made my own out of a Guardian fig. Wish I still had some Model Masters Pearl Green Metallic (or whatever color it was) - that would have been a perfect green for this guy. But he'll do for now.

Hasbro version:


Head is a place-holder to give you an idea of scale:

So then I decided that Vision needed his brother around. Took my Warpath fig and chopped him down just like I did with Superman -- gave him a Chap Mei head and a new paint job and and think he turned out alright.


I have no intentions of making a Scarlett Witch, for those of you who might be wondering. I'm sure we'll get a factory version eventually, and I might pick one up then, but I honestly never liked the character. I mean, here she is, able to change the whole Marvel Universe around just because she happens to be having a bad day, and she still bores the "LASER BLAST" out of me. I don't know what it is about her, but I've just never cared for her. Time for Vizh & Simon to start banging some other chick :P


That's all for now - Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Author:  DarkJedi [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new MU customs/fixes.

Took me a sec on the last pic, but then I lulz.

I'm not sure what issue you have with the paint. All of the colors look spot on to me...

Nice work all around.

Any other Marvel babes/characters you're thinking of doing? I bet if you posted a poll you'd get some nice replies.

Personally I would love to see somebody do some of my favorite characters:

Author:  drbindy [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new MU customs/fixes.

Awesome Dan!

Rogue ROCKS. I might have a non-cloth, no-sculpt-required jacket for you. I'll show it to you and you can let me know.

Also - the Vision is a hug upgrade. I was interested in getting the MU figure as is, but now I just don't know. Yours really puts the factory midget to shame.

Phoenix - nice upgrades. I was kind of turned off from the factory figure (pictures only, haven't found any yet), but you fixed her up right, and the swivel arms are overdue. Hoping to make my next round of female customs out of the Black Widow that is looming, assuming she too has her arms fixed.

Author:  Kilcarr [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new MU customs/fixes.

Nice work all around. I never cared for Wonder Man, but your custom would make me want one. Any chance you'll put shades on him?

Author:  Mysterious Stranger [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new MU customs/fixes.

For Rogues jacket did you consider Indy arms and jacket? Or maybe the Mutt jacket painted leather brown? Just a thought.

Love the Phoenix fix and if the factory figure had come out like that I'd have her. But it looks like too much work for me to fix so I'll just be happy without her.

Author:  Chief [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new MU customs/fixes.

Thanks guys!

Billy - I thought about shades for Wondy, but then decided against them because they always seemed kinda douchey to me. And I already have one douche on the Avengers team (Tony) ;)

MS - I tried the Indy jacket after the Ceremonial Luke (yellow cloth) one didn't work. Just about every vest/jacket that I own from every different toy line sucked on her because of the way they rested on the shoulders and jacked her head around. Her girly figure just won't support a man's jacket. To make it work, I'd have to mold the vest around her torso, and that would mess up the articulation (and then I'd have to work on sleeves - too much effort for a "meh" character.) I ran into the same problems with my Black Canary custom - and finally decided to go without the jacket on her, too.

Author:  Spin Doctor [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new MU customs/fixes.

Very well done.

I'm jealous of your Vision. I'm just sticing with the puny one because I don't have the energy or proper fodder to make a better one.

Author:  Tanstoys [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new MU customs/fixes.

awesome work on these new stuff....
Rogue is great and yeah we probobly will get one someday. I have one pieced together for quite awhile just to lazy at the moment to paint, I am using the same legs though. For a jacket look you could use the dc black canary vest thing with 25th lady j arms and It'd look good if the vest will fit.
Vision is so much better than hasbros version, I was glad to get the figure we did but you made one so much better and wantable and sure a scarlet witch will be made someday too probobly.
Wonderman is awesome , perfect and I have a extra warpath so I might try to make me a simon :-D
and then gambit, I like your take, gambit is a cool character and if the toy is in joe form that's better than the WO figure, so all great stuff, keep it up

Author:  tmoaswg [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new MU customs/fixes.

wow, these are awesome! i really like that rouge custom. is that another jean body? i might copy that. and thanks for redoing vision, because i was going to do a custom with him, but now i guess ill have to rethink that. anyway, great customs

Author:  drbindy [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new MU customs/fixes.

Dan - can you link to the Black Canary you did before? I looked and couldn't find her.

Author:  pluv [ Thu Nov 26, 2009 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new MU customs/fixes.

I put back a Vision I found today because he looked like packaged poop. I would have bought yours.

Phoenix is an improvement over what they released. I'm just not a fan of that outfit for her.

Rogue is almost there. Keep looking for a coat fix and post it when you find one.

Wonderman is the surprise hit for me. I wouldn't normally care for him but in that group shot he's the one I'd really want.

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