I got the minitank awhile back with Thunder, and while I love both the vehicle and the figure, I never thought it felt right that Thunder got such a dinky vehicle after getting the original "Slugger" back in the ARAH days.
Soo..... I had this Commando Force tank from the last KayBee Toys sale... was originally green with a really bad paint job. Decided to retool it to become a Slugger II: Arctic Slugger. Ended up painting it white, then painted the black camo over it, then painted it white again to mute the black camo a bit. Added weapon, drilled the main cannon (it was blunted), added decals, and added the Gobots Powersuit as a sort of flying recon sled.
Arctic Thunder was made from a Storm Shadow with legs from an Attack on Pit Duke, all painted white,
then used the head, helmet, and armor from Thunder.
http://www.freewebs.com/vidmouse"Happiness is a box full of good fodder."