Nocturnous and Torture
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Author:  Oneforceleader [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Nocturnous and Torture

As I continue you complete the worls newset menace and the newest enemy to Cobra and GI Joe....The Horde, I finally finished the leader of The Horde "Nocturnous" Here's the bio on Nocturnous;

Nocturnous- Leader of The Horde, Nocturnous was once one of the elite “Night Vipers” for Cobra. He was one of the first to volunteer for the Venom Program. Dr. Mindbender Combined Bat DNA with Wolf DNA to try and create a trooper that could hunt targets at night like a Bat, while having the ferociousness and speed of a Wolf. When the experiment failed Nocturnous found himself severely disfigured and near death. What the good Doctor produced was something far worse. Unknown to Dr. Mindbender, the experiment worked, not only did Nocturnous have the ferociousness of a wolf; he also had the ability to see using sonar, like a bat. The catatonic state that he was in led Mindbender to believe he had failed, so the Doc sent him to “The Hole” a dungeon like place deep beneath the lab of Cobra Island. There he waited for what he thought was certain death.
Nocturnous with the help of four other rejects escaped “The Hole” and retreated to a cave deep in the jungle of Cobra Island. It was there Nocturnous began to realize what he had become. As he healed, his hatred for Dr. Mindbender and Cobra grew to the point where he sat in the dark caverns contemplating how he would get his revenge. He began to build his army piece by piece from the very same genetic fodder that Mindbender tossed away like trash. He knew that everyone he gathered to him would have that same hatred and thirst for revenge that he had, which made them loyal to his cause. As time passed, rumors of ghoulish like creatures in the jungle of Cobra Island began to flow through the Cobra Viper ranks, causing the troops to fear the deep jungle. It’s said that those who enter the dark heart of the jungle never return and are never heard from again.

Nocturnous 1.JPG
Nocturnous 1.JPG [ 231.38 KiB | Viewed 449 times ]

File comment: Nocturnous with his body guard Kronos (the big guy) and Omega Prime the #2 guy
Noc and Omega2.JPG
Noc and Omega2.JPG [ 216.9 KiB | Viewed 449 times ]

File comment: Nocturnous unmasked.
Nocturnous 4.JPG
Nocturnous 4.JPG [ 196.74 KiB | Viewed 449 times ]

Parts Head: ROC CC
Torso: 25th Serpentor
Leggs: 25th Zartan
Rt Arm not sure
Lft Arm : VvV Venomous Maximous
Cape and Hood SW figure can't remember his name.

Author:  Keenan [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nocturnous

That's really neat. Cool write-up too.

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Torture

Torture is another member of The Horde and as his name might suggest he the interrogator for the Horde, Check out his bio and pic's let me know what you think.

Torture- The Interrogator, was formerly a Crimson Guard named Nathan Jones, and was assigned to Interrogator as his personal guard and assistant. Torture witnessed and participated in many of the Cobra prisoner interrogations. Interrogator would frequently leave his former Guard orders to literally torture prisoners until they would break. Crimson Guard Jones delighted in torturing his prisoners, so much that he often had to have other guards present to keep him from going too far. One day Jones went too far, while interrogating a captured October Guard, who happened to be a rather important prisoner to Cobra Commander. After finding out of the prisoners demise Interrogator tortured Crimson Guard Jones to the brink of death only to keep him alive so he could torture him some more later. Crimson Guard Jones was repeatedly warned of his tactics and as a result was repeatedly tortured by Interrogator.
The more he was tortured though, the more Jones enjoyed it often giving suggestion what to do to him next. Jones grew stronger each time he was tortured and became more sadistic too. Weeks later, Crimson Guard Jones escaped into the jungle of Cobra island where he was presumed either dead or eaten by the beast of the jungle (Mongrel). It was in the jungle where he actually came across Mongrel who recognized him as Interrogators assistant nicknamed “The Torturer”. He was brought back to the Horde Headquarters where Omega Prime reengineered him and gave him the name “Torture” the interrogator. Torture is an expert at interrogation and always finds new ways of making captives talk, or just plain suffer. Torture would at times go out on search and destroy missions with Mongrel just so he could inflict a lot of pain before Mongrel would do away with his prey. Torture shows no mercy in his interrogation of captives and is encourage by Nocturnous to push them to their limit.

Torture 01.jpg
Torture 01.jpg [ 123.27 KiB | Viewed 451 times ]

File comment: Torture uses extreme measures to get info from a captured Cobra Ninja.
Torture 11.jpg
Torture 11.jpg [ 151.06 KiB | Viewed 451 times ]

Torture 13.jpg
Torture 13.jpg [ 80.73 KiB | Viewed 451 times ]

Author:  Oneforceleader [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Torture

Parts; Head, upper Torso and Feet => SW Darth Raven
Lower Torso and Leggs => SW General Grevious before he became a machine.
Tools of the trade: ROC CC and ROC Viper

The other guy in the picture is "Nightmare" (WIP) Turtures assistant.

Author:  Spin Doctor [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nocturnous and Torture

Very creative.

Please remember, when you post multiple figures in the same day, to put them in the same thread.

Author:  gijoey [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nocturnous and Torture

Very cool.
The blending of different figure lines works well.

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