Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)
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Author:  drbindy [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

Well I've been hinting at this big mission for awhile, so it's time to start in with some details finally. I'm having some fun lining up who all is being held captive by MEDUSA on the old Cobra Island (now a large prison compound). Still have much work to do, but here is a start.

Knighthawk’s Journal
February 28

Well I finally got a digital copy of the big briefing we’d been waiting on. Couldn’t meet at the Round Table in person this time, as duty called, but things are starting to get heavy for sure. Here’s what we’ve learned:

A Paladin Knight codenamed Hound Dog has been missing for the past 60 days. His trainee testified before the other knights, and it is clear he had no part in what went down, but he did help to fill in the blanks. Seems that Hound Dog, his strength lying in the field of surveillance, decided to recon Cobra Island on his own. His trainee said Hound Dog seemed to be impatient with the delay in EXCAL’s long planned raid. He always was a bit of a renegade, so nobody is really surprised. He was able to transmit some images to his airship, which the trainee received, but the feed went dead almost 45 days ago. After waiting a short period for Hound Dog’s return, the matter was brought to Director Queen’s attention. Word is that the feed has recently been re-activated, though apparently not by Hound Dog. I haven’t seen it first hand, but the images apparently are quite disturbing, and everyone now fears the worst. I will comment on them later if I get to see them.

Regarding the trainee, I did meet him in passing while docked at BSG. Former Army man, given the codename of ‘The Duke’ by Hound Dog. I hear it rubbed some of the ex Joes the wrong way, in light of what happened to Sgt. Conrad Hauser, but tact isn’t…wasn’t… one of Hound Dog’s strong points anyway. Apparently the spark for the codename is The Duke’s file name: Jonathan Wane. Here’s a file pic:


I’ll post more later if I get ahold of some. Sounds like he’s going to be promoted to full Paladin status shortly.

Other developments include an update on Commander Tigh. We all know now that his capture was staged, and that he had an optical chip implanted in his eye, which has apparently been transmitting for awhile now. Well it’s finally paying off. We got confirmation as to who is running the prison compound: none other than “Commandant” Sebastian Bludd, as seen in these pics recently received:


We also got confirmation that our old friend Stalker is indeed being held. He was one of the former Joes that Rock N Roll thought would be here. So that is very encouraging:

Unfortunately, however, Commander Tigh’s optical chip has also now stopped transmitting. Intel is processing the last few images it sent, and those were not yet available at the time of the briefing. However, word is that the Silent Master has been called for an emergency briefing. I wonder…

It also seems that the reactivation of the Hound Dog transmission coincided with the deactivation of Commander Tigh’s. That doesn’t sound like an accidental coincidence to me.

March 1, 2010
Quick update. Intel has the first image taken from the reactivated Hound Dog signal, and it seems my guess was unfortunately right:

Author:  pluv [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

The Duke isn't bad. Hell it I would have loved seeing that look for him in the movie.

Bludd looks fantastic once you remove the beret. It doesn't sit right and hides all of your work.

That is the best use of that body for Stalker. Brilliant.

Tigh could use some touch on his beard. some smaller detailing could help.

Author:  drbindy [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

Thanks pluv. I get what you are saying on Tigh, but I have to admit that he, Stalker, and Bludd are mostly one shots, with a limited purpose for moving the story along. I will work more on Tigh though, since the figure serves the dual purpose of looking a touch like his season 3 New Caprica appearance, which was the inspiration for the fig. I think on Bludd I'll add his traditional helmet as well. That may look better than the beret. I made some updates the 'The Duke' and will post more pics when I get the chance. Stalker - assuming he makes it out alive - will end up with a much better real figure.

EDIT: Forgot to mention on Bludd, I wasn't happy with the height of the IJ russian, so I extended his height at the lower legs I didn't need to add extra articulation for this fig's purpose, but I didn't want him to be short next to the joes

Author:  Keenan [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

That's a great look for Duke and Bludd. And the prisioners are full on win.

Author:  Gaaway [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

Really good figures! I am really digging that Stalker figure. What head did you use for it? Your use for that body of S.E.'s has given me some ideas. Good job.

Author:  Spin Doctor [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

Yep. That Bludd's phenomenal. Loving it.

The others are great, but Bludd trumps 'em.

Author:  Tanstoys [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

wow I like that duke head on the resolute body, sweet..
bludd don't care for actually I like the stle you were going for but the figure used i just don't like them..sorry friend

Author:  Greyryder [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

Everything looks great. I love that look for Bludd. It's perfect for a non combat uniform.

I see that there's nothing that can keep that Duke head from looking like some obnoxious punk.

I have the same head on my Stalker!

Author:  drbindy [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

Thanks guys. I won't say any of these are my best pieces to date, but they are kind of dio filler to some extent. Tim, I know exactly what you mean on the base figure for Bludd. If I ever do a default Bludd, it will be fully articulated. But for this purpose, it blends in well enough. That's why I extended his height though, to better blend in.

Greyryder wrote:
I have the same head on my Stalker!

Yeah, but do you have a cool removable beret? lol. My default Stalker will, even though this one does not. My main question is whether the Wayans head will survive as my Stalker heads for much longer. Between the Resolute Stalker coming out (I really dig that look for some reason) and the Resolute Stalker head sculpt (if it comes back) at TGC, I may end up tempted to switch it before too long.

Author:  TR1ER [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

Dude I love your work so much and the bio's rock good stuff D!

Author:  Crosshair [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

Doc, are you looking at doing a dio someday with all of your EXCAL figures? If not I'd love to see some group shots of them all together.

But I hope you plan on doing a dio-story with them...there's been a severe drought of dios for the last 6 months.

Author:  Cap [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

Definitely rockage. Echo the dio idea too. The EXCAL universe would make for some awesome reading/viewing.

Author:  drbindy [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

I have to say that a huge dio has been mapped out in my mind for quite some time, and I've been gathering parts here and there for 2 years. Some of it for stuff I want to try my own hand at building, some of it awesome stuff built by others, like Cap (wait til you see the piece about to be featured in the continuation of this post). Right now space is my primary limitation, both for building and playing. Looking for a house with a man-cave....err basement, so tht may be addressed soon. Then Eric, just wait for some of the stuff I'm going to ask you to build for this movie in my mind...

Author:  gijoey [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

Wow Dennis not a crapper in the bunch.
Paint jobs are perfect.

You want to paint a Rocketeer for me?

Author:  drbindy [ Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bludd, a new Trainee, and a peek at the prisoners... (EXCAL)

gijoey wrote:
Wow Dennis not a crapper in the bunch.
Paint jobs are perfect.

You want to paint a Rocketeer for me?

Joe I'd be honored to, if you are even a little bit serious.

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